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Windows 10 version 1809 is incompatible with Morphisec anti-malware

Another day, another Windows 10 update issue – This time it includes security software. Another day, another reason for Windows 10 to make headlines for all the wrong reasons. It is a fact that Windows 10 is currently used by over 400 million users globally but lately, its updates have been causing users a great […]

Indian police & Microsoft busts tech support scam centers

You may have watched YouTube videos about tech support scam tricking unsuspecting users into believing that their devices have been compromised with some nasty malware and the only way to get rid of it is to pay the technician for their “services” over the phone or Skype call. This type of tech support scam has […]

Beware! Those Virus Alerts Could Be A Scam Run By Bogus Indian Call Centers

We often come across virus alerts on our devices warning us of possible virus infection devices that could be prone to. However, those alerts could, in reality, be scams running for distorting money from us. According to a report by The New York Times, one out of five people who receive such alert messages tend to […]

A New Windows Zero Day Exploit Can Delete Your System Files

Microsoft is alread already having a lot on its plate for these past few days. And it appears October couldn’t get any worse for the company. A new zero-day vulnerability discovered by a researcher @SandboxEscaper can be exploited to delete files without any permission. As Bleeping Computer notes, the vulnerability, which affects all the Windows 10 versions, can be […]

Windows PCs Vulnerable To RID Hijacking; Grants Full System Access To Attackers

A security researcher named Sebastián Castro has uncovered a way of gaining admin rights and boot persistence on Windows PCs that is not only simple to execute but hard to stop as well. RID Hijacking This technique manipulates a parameter of Windows user accounts named Relative Identifier (RID). Account security identifiers (SIDs) that define a user’s permissions group, […]

Microsoft cloud will be able to host US government secret information

The company’s announcement intensifies the race to win multi-million dollar contract with the Pentagon Microsoft executives recently announced that the company has reached the security levels required to host US military and secret data in Azure, its cloud network, adding that they will soon be able to host “top-secret” information. According to experts in digital forensics of […]

Microsoft Open Sources 60,000 Patents To Protect Linux & Open Source

Open Invention Network (OIN) is an open source patent group that works to make sure that Linux is safe from the fury of IP lawsuits. OIN owns more than 1,000 patents and it consists of 2,500+ members, including SUSE, Google, IBM, Red Hat, etc. In a landmark development, Microsoft, the maker of the open source […]

Microsoft Released Security Updates & Fixed 49 Vulnerabilities that Affected Microsoft Products

Microsoft released security update under patch Tuesday that affected many of its products along with certain critical Windows zero-day flaw. There are 3 Zero-day vulnerability has been fixed along with more than 49 vulnerabilities that affected Microsoft products such as products such as Windows, Edge, Internet Explorer, Office, Exchange Server, and .NET Core, Power Shell […]

Microsoft Open Sources Its Infer.NET Machine Learning AI Code

Microsoft has announced that they are making their Infer.NET framework open source for commercial applications. Infer.NET is a machine learning framework that is used in a large number of Microsoft products like XBox, Azure, and Microsoft Office. The Redmond-based company started the development of the framework in 2004 in their research lab in Cambridge and […]

Critical Data-Loss Bug Identified in New Windows 10 Update

The distribution of latest Windows 10 update for October 2018, released by Microsoft this week, has been halted after reports about it causing grave data loss started emerging. Dubbed version 1089, the update was released for Windows 10 users to check for updates manually but it turns out that it is deleting user data including […]

Pakistani hacker reports address bar spoofing flaws in Edge & Safari browser

Rafay Baloch has reported Vulnerability in Edge and Safari Browsers that Allows Address Bar Exploitation. Nowadays the phishing attacks have become increasingly sophisticated and difficult to detect so it is indeed appreciable that security researchers are managing to spot such campaigns in their initial phases. Reportedly, a security researcher from Pakistan Rafay Baloch has discovered […]

Microsoft Identity Bounty Program

The company has launched a new bounty program for ethical hacking specialists Program Description Information security of our days depends on the collaborative communication of identity and identity data within and through the web domains. Often, a client’s digital identity is the key to accessing services and interacting over the Internet. According to ethical hacking […]

Microsoft launches cumulative Windows 10 updates

Updates were issued as KB4346783 and KB4343893 Less than a month ago, Microsoft released its update patches for August. Today, the company has launched another set of cumulative Windows 10 updates that contain fixes for problems that were presented with previous update patches. Ethical hacking specialists mention that the company is launching these patches with improvements and fixes not related […]

Windows Task Scheduler Zero-Day Exposed; No Patch Available

A zero-day flaw has been revealed by a Twitter user SandboxEscaper, for the Windows Task Scheduler in 64-bit Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 systems. Apparently, this vulnerability is out in the wild, and there are no known patches or specific workarounds at present. US-CERT has confirmed that the exploit works on 64-bit Windows 10 and Windows […]

Hackers Publish PoC of Zero-day Vulnerability in Windows on Twitter

New Privilege Escalation Bug Identified in Windows OS. Recently a Twitter user, using the handle SandboxEscaper, disclosed that the Microsoft Windows OS has a zero-day vulnerability, which is yet unknown to the company. Tweeting on the microblogging platform, the user stated: “Here is the alpc bug as 0day. I don’t f**king care about life anymore. […]

You can now run Windows 95 on your Mac, Linux and Windows 10 devices

The maximum RAM that Windows 95 consumes within Windows 10 is just 200 MB. We have seen hackers doing wonders like hacking PlayStation 4 to run PS2 emulation or homebrew software, hacking Android-compatible Google Daydream VR Controller to run on iOS or run Linux OS on Nintendo Switch. But now, a developer has gone one step ahead […]

Republican & Conservative leaders are the new targets of Russian hackers —Microsoft

Microsoft has released a startling report exposing the way Russian military intelligence and its hackers planned to target the US Senate and conservative think tanks. The software giant not only identified but also seized those websites that were recently created for the sole purpose of tricking people. The report reveals that these misleading websites were […]

Windows 10 May Not Be Free for Businesses Anymore

Microsoft Launching Dedicated Program To Manage Windows 10 Related Updates… But with a Monthly Fee. Microsoft has always referred to Windows 10 as a service, which we suspected was a hint that the software giant may at some point start charging some fee for the maintenance of the OS. Now, a report suggests that it […]

Microsoft Open Sources “Quantum Katas” To Teach You Quantum Computing For Free

Microsoft has expressed its belief in the past that quantum computing could change our tech industry forever. The company has already started contributing its share in the development. Last, Microsoft launched its quantum programming language called Q#. Now, it’s again in the news with the new open source project called Quantum Katas designed to “teach you […]