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Mozilla Firefox Releases 62.0.3 & Security Updates for 2 High Critical Vulnerabilities

Mozilla Firefox Released security updates that cover 2 critical vulnerabilities in Firefox 62.0.3 and Firefox ESR 60.2.2. One of the remote code execution vulnerability allows a remote attacker to get access to the system and both vulnerabilities are categorized under a critical impact. Mozilla released Firefox 62.0.3 along with these 2 security patches and users can download the new version […]

Nasty Linux Kernel Vulnerability Discovered, Mandatory Kernel Update Required

The Linux Kernel since version 3.16 to 4.18.8 has an unfixed vulnerability, as disclosed by Google Project Zero. The vulnerability was first exposed by Jann Horn, a cybersecurity researcher under the Project Zero program. Now known as CVE-2018-17182, it is a cache invalidation bug that affects the memory management Linux module. Successful exploitation of the […]

No Takers for Zero-Day Vulnerabilities on the Dark Web

According to experts vulnerability sales have been all but driven off the dark web, which now operates in the open. For years the secretive market for zero-day exploits thrived in the dark corners of the internet. A recent report on Fifth Domain reads “The cyber intelligence firm FireEye has only recorded three zero-day sellers on […]

Google’s Vulnerability Scanning for Their Cloud Infrastructure in Beta

Google is engaging in a very competitive market in cloud storage and solutions sector. It is a growth market where the search giant is wrestling arms with Amazon Cloud Services, Microsoft Azure, IBM, SAP, Salesforce and other minor players. Their products and services have many things in common than differences. Hence, it is important for […]

Migrate to Tor Browser 8.0, Version 7.x Has Zero-Day Exploit

TOR, also known as the Onion router has been the go-to method for the privacy-savvy people to browse the web with confidence, as TOR traffic hides people’s identity. However, browsing through TOR requires a web browser, specially designed to use the TOR network and not just a mainstream browser. Just like any software, TOR Browser […]

Windows Task Manager’s Zero-day Vulnerability, Detected by ESET

Windows Task Scheduler was Microsoft’s answer to Unix Cron, for the purpose of running applications, scripts, and batch commands on-schedule. It was first released as an add-on option for Windows 95 and NT4.0 in 1997 as part of the Internet Explorer 4.0 installer package. With Windows 98 and later, Windows Task Scheduler became a regular […]

WiFi Broadcasts in All Version of Android OS Leaking Sensitive Data Including IP Addresses, BSSID, WiFi Network Name

WiFi Broadcasts in Android OS Leaking sensitive data from a user’s Android device and the details about all the application that running on the user’s device. All the version of Android running devices is affected by this vulnerability including  Amazon’s FireOS for the Kindle. It leaks Sensitive information such as WiFi network name, BSSID, local IP addresses, […]

Android OS API-Breaking Vulnerability Helps Hackers Steal Useful WiFi Data

Researchers have uncovered an “API-breaking” vulnerability, which could expose Android device systems data to rogue apps. The sensitive information thus exposed could be misused by cybercriminals. Security researchers from Nightwatch Cybersecurity, in a detailed blog post on the vulnerability, have explained that system broadcasts from the Android OS may expose sensitive information about the user’s […]

Hackers Publish PoC of Zero-day Vulnerability in Windows on Twitter

New Privilege Escalation Bug Identified in Windows OS. Recently a Twitter user, using the handle SandboxEscaper, disclosed that the Microsoft Windows OS has a zero-day vulnerability, which is yet unknown to the company. Tweeting on the microblogging platform, the user stated: “Here is the alpc bug as 0day. I don’t f**king care about life anymore. […]

Unpatched Remote Code Execution in Ghostscript Revealed by Google

Ghostscript, a mainstream raster image processor and back-end raster image converter for PDF has been discovered of harboring a critical vulnerability, a zero-day remote code execution flaw. Ghostscript is an open standard, almost all image applications dealing with raster graphics bundle it by default. “I found a few file disclosure, shell command execution, memory corruption […]

MacOS AirMail 3 App, Vulnerable to Email Leaks

Windows-based Outlook Express for a long time had been the center of controversy for Microsoft for implementing an insecure email client from 1993 till 2006. It was only until the release of Windows Vista’s Mail app (Outlook Express’ successor.) when Microsoft started to pick-up a better PR for their email client’s security reputation. However, vulnerabilities […]

Trend Micros Launches Virtual Patching Vs. Unpatched Vulnerabilities

Trend Micro is introducing a new update on how its software implements automatic updates, they dubbed it “Virtual Patching”. It is designed as a short-term stop-gap measure of preventing security issues while waiting for an official security patch from the vendor of the affected software. Nilesh Jain, VP-SEA of Trend Micro said: “Advanced cyberattacks including […]

Windows VBScript Engine Zero-day Flaw used by Darkhotel Hackers Group To Compromise Vulnerable Systems

A new zero-day exploit for Windows VBScript Engine discovered that belongs to North Korean cyber criminals gang called Darkhotel which is the same gang behind another Zero-day flaw “double kill” that affected IE browser. This new zero-day attack spotted in July by security researchers from Trend Micro that helps to exploit the code execution vulnerability in […]

How An Ex-Hacker From The NSA Dominated Def Con Conference

A security researcher has demonstrated, at the recent Def Con security conference, that a Mac computer running Apple’s High Sierra operating system can be very easily hacked by simply tweaking two lines of the code. This revelation was made by Patrick Wardle, an ex-NSA hacker, who is at present the Chief Research Officer at Digita […]

Microsoft Vulnerability Allows Unauthorized Browsing

Researchers have detected a privilege escalation vulnerability with Cortana that allows hackers to gain physical access and do unauthorized browsing on your locked system.  Researchers working at security firm McAfee have observed two different scenarios of such attacks taking place. One, a hacker forcing Microsoft Edge to navigate to some other URL and two, a […]

5 Things to Know For a Successful Pen Testing

Penetration testing (AKA Pen test) is an authorized deliberate hacking of a corporate network and computer infrastructure to determine its vulnerability. The vulnerability report arising from pen test is a valuable part of the system audit, which will enable the production of a credible mitigation plan while preserving overall security and privacy of the system […]

Intel Discovers And Publishes New Bluetooth Vulnerability

Turns out, Intel has now discovered and published a new Bluetooth vulnerability, which could help intercept and manipulate transmissions between two compatible devices. The reports say that the newly discovered vulnerability has the potential to allow cybercriminals to intercept transmissions between two affected Bluetooth-compatible devices and also to relay malicious signals back and forth between […]

Hackers Distributing FELIXROOT Backdoor Malware using Microsoft Office Vulnerabilities

Newly discovered malware campaign distributing powerful FELIXROOT Backdoor using Microsoft Office Vulnerabilities to compromise the victim’s windows computers. FELIXROOT backdoor campaign initially discovered in September 2017 that distributed via malicious Ukrainian bank documents with macro that download the backdoor from C&C server. Currently attackers distributing weaponized lure documents that contains exploits for Microsoft office vulnerabilities CVE-2017-0199 and CVE-2017-11882 […]

The Major Cyber Espionage vs Supply Chains Apps is Coming

The United States, through its intelligence agencies, has uncovered a major cyber espionage vulnerability against software-based supply chain software. A supply chain attack refers to a cyber attack of unauthorized penetration of the supply chain network in order to farm information usable by 3rd parties. The announcement highlighted the cyber capabilities of Iran, China, and […]

Heighten End-User’s Responsibility with Fighting Phishing

Antimalware companies have made many innovations for many decades in order to keep individuals and enterprises secure from cyber risks. However, human end-users are still considered the weakest part of the chain in the IT security space. As computing technology becomes more complex, end-users are expecting better designed interface, enhanced with more automation technologies to […]