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Software meant for Apple is a Malware ignored for 10 years

Security specialists on Tuesday revealed a technique that could’ve enabled hackers to bypass a wide range of extensive commercial products to protect Apple devices from malware. While there’s no confirmation the bypass was ever used malignantly, the issue went unnoticed for over 10 years. The question now is how vendors like Google and Facebook look […]

Git Repository Vulnerability Causes Remote Code Execution Attacks

A serious vulnerability, which could cause remote code execution attacks has been detected and then patched in the Git software source code. The patching of this vulnerability has helped prevent such attacks that were being launched at users. Git is an open source software that has originally been created for Linux Kernel development and which […]

Steam fixes 10-year-old critical remote code execution vulnerability

A vulnerability in the Steam client was an open door to hackers for more than 10 years. The vulnerability was discovered by security researcher Tom Court of Contextis, who warned Steam and the good news is that it was quickly shut down by Steam developers Valve. According to Court, Steam software allowed malicious hackers to carry […]

The Drupe App is Back on Google Play Store Following Vulnerability

Popular dialer app Drupe is now back on the Google Play Store, following security vulnerability, for anyone who’d want to download it. A few days ago, a security vulnerability was discovered in Drupe that led to it being removed from Google Play Store; the vulnerability was serious and left personal data of tens of thousands […]

A DoS Flaw That Could Help Take Down WordPress Websites

Quite recently, a simple but serious application-level DoS (Denial of Service) flaw has been discovered in the WordPress CMS platform; this DoS vulnerability could help anyone take down most WordPress websites, even with a single machine. In fact, there won’t be any need to hit with a massive amount of bandwidth as is the case […]

Online Bank Accounts Among Hackers’ Favorite Targets

Online bank accounts are among the most favorite of targets for all hackers, as per a recent survey report. A report published by Positive Technologies (a global provider of enterprise security solutions for vulnerability and compliance management, incident and threat analysis, and application protection) points out that of all the websites, banking and finance websites […]

Unpatched Linux Vulnerability Used for Monero Mining

Guess what the favorite tool of hackers is when they want to infect Linux servers with crypto mining malware. It’s a 5-year-old security vulnerability that is being exploited in the cyprojacking campaign. The altered XMRig tool is the miner, which is legitimate and open source Monero miner. A flaw that was discovered in 2013 in […]

How Secure are Microchips

Banks across the world spend a lot of time and money to protect the information of their customers. An irony, the easiest way for hackers to get information is through their card. The cards have magnetic strips that protect the information of the cardholders, which holds the imprinted digits and signature field, but now things have […]

Security Vulnerability Detected by Google in Microsoft Edge

Google has now detected a new vulnerability in Microsoft Edge, the Windows 10 default web browser; this detection has been made as part of Google’s Project Zero program. On MSFT, which claims to be one of the original Microsoft-centered communities, has published a blog on this issue. The blog post, which is titled ‘Google’s Project […]

Do Not Ignore the Existence of Cyber Attacks

Do you understand what is a real cyber attack and how to prepare yourself in case it happens? Every day cyber attacks are rapidly spreading all over the world, growing concerns that business and average users can fail to secure their networks from aggressive hackers. The problem explodes so quickly that not everyone is ready […]

Oracle MICROS POS Vulnerability Affects 300,000 Systems

POS (Point-of-Sale) systems are always among the favorite targets of hackers; POS terminals always provide them the chance to lay their hands on all kinds of data- credit card data, other customer data, bank data etc. Hence cyber criminals are always on the lookout for POS vulnerabilities. There have been some reports recently about a […]

Attackers Can Bypass Lenovo Fingerprint Manager through a Hard-coded Password

Lenovo released a security update for critical vulnerability with Lenovo Fingerprint Manager Pro that impacts dozens of ThinkPad, ThinkCentre and ThinkStation Workstations that are running Windows 7, 8 and the 8.1 operating systems. It is a utility for user authentication based on fingerprint recognition for Windows 8.1 (32-bit, 64-bit), 8 (32-bit, 64-bit), 7 (32-bit, 64-bit) […]

Google Apps Script Vulnerability Gives Opportunities to Hackers

A new vulnerability in Google App Scripts has opened the door to new possibilities for cyber criminals. Researchers at cybersecurity firm Proofpoint have discovered a new way of exploiting Google App Scripts and thus deliver malware via URLs. A detailed post on the official Proofpoint blog discusses this; the blog post says- “Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) applications […]

A Vulnerability in Kernel Slowing Down Intel Processors

Register first notices a significant vulnerability in all Intel processor chips. The major design flaw in Linux kernel patch is going to make a huge impact, and all operating systems will have to be updated. The computers out of the production line and this patch will have a major effect on the performance. The Register […]

GoAhead Servers Vulnerability Affected Hundreds of Thousands of IoT Devices

A critical vulnerability discovered in GoAhead Servers with versions running below 3.6.5 allows an attacker can exploit a remote code in GoAhead web Servers which affect thousands of IoT Devices. GoAhead world’s most popular embedded Web Servers that are deployed in millions of devices including printers, IP phones, networking devices and many more. Among a list of […]

Ways to Prevent Healthcare Data Breaches in 2018

Many leading healthcare organizations have been targeted and attacked by cyber criminals in the last few years. One of the most notable among recent instances is the WannaCry ransomware attack throwing out of gear UK’s National Health Service (NHS). Today, when healthcare organizations depend on the cloud and the internet in a great way, security […]

Facebook Image Removal Vulnerability allows Users to Delete any Photos

Facebook recently introduced a poll feature which allows users to make votable questions as the status on both Android and iOS apps. Security researcher Pouya Darabi found a vulnerability that allows anyone to delete any photo from the Facebook platform. Facebook vulnerability Darabi explains the vulnerability allows anyone can quickly change the Image ID that […]

Linux Distributions Suffering with Denial of Service by systemd Vulnerability

A Linux Suffering from systemd(System and Service Manager) vulnerability that leads to performing a Denial of Service in many Linux based Distributions. Attacker Sending a DNS query to a DNS server by having a Vulnerable system eventually this vulnerability will exploit the Target Linux distribution systems. systemd is an init system used in Linux distributions to […]