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Upcoming Trends in the World of Cybersecurity

With things changing rampantly in the world of cybercrime, things are evolving fast for cybersecurity as well. Cyber-criminals are evolving into being clever and more innovative. Moreover, cyber attacks now happen on a large scale, with millions of people/computers being targeted simultaneously. Things are likely to get even bigger with more widespread use of IoT […]

Three American Cities named as Most Cyber Vulnerable Cities

Las Vegas, Memphis and Charlotte are the most cyber insecure cities in America, as per a study report released recently. The report, titled ‘Cybersecurity in the City: Ranking America’s Most Insecure Metros’, has been brought out by cybersecurity firm Coronet and seeks to address cybersecurity issues faced by mid-market and small businesses. A PRWeb Press […]

An Embattled Kaspersky is Moving its Office from Russia to Zurich

Kaspersky is battling against the allegations that it has connections to the Russian government and that dealing with their software means risking security.  The cybersecurity firm decided to move some of its critical infrastructure to Switzerland and will authorize an independent group to review its source code. A year ago, the Department of Homeland Security requested every […]

Blockchain Technology Can Secure Financial Industry From Cyber Risk

Exploring the online world has become a nightmare in the course of the most recent cyber-attacks and, taking a gander at how serious and advanced a portion of the current cyber-attacks across the world has been, it appears as though things are bound to just deteriorate. Despite the fact that programmers are showing signs of […]

The Different Phases of a Cyber Attack

As we begin to discuss the different phases of a cyber attack, let’s not forget that things are changing drastically as regards the cyber security industry. Hacks today are being executed in a very different way and hackers are resorting to using all kinds of innovative techniques. If you examine the recent attacks that targeted […]

Abbott Releases Firmware Upgrade to Fix Vulnerabilities

Abbott, the leading manufacturer of medical devices, releases a firmware upgrade that would fix cyber security vulnerabilities in certain cardiac devices. Health Data Management reports- “Medical device manufacturer Abbott has released a firmware upgrade to fix cybersecurity vulnerabilities in certain radio frequency-enabled implantable cardioverter defibrillators and cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillators.” The FDA ( Food and […]

Secure Engineering: Why You Need a Dedicated Development Team

So you’ve got a great idea for an application or software, and you’ve secured all of the startup money that you need to fund. Now you need to find a developer to turn your dream into a reality. Not so fast, though. You don’t want to pick anybody. When you pick the cheapest and fastest […]

Start-up in Cyber Security Going Through Rough Times

Cyber attacks will be in news in the coming days as its going to keep the US cybersecurity on its toes. A lot of the companies are yet to keep up with the promise that they made earlier. Most of the times the security products that are developed is overtaken by the hackers, as they are a […]

Cybersecurity Summit Cyber:Secured Forum to be Held in June

A cybersecurity summit designed to connect leaders in cybersecurity trends, physical security, systems integration industries etc is set to launch this year in June… The summit, named Cyber:Secured Forum, will be launched in Denver, Colorado and will be held from June 4 to 6. The summit has come into existence through a partnership of the […]

New Year and New Measures for Cybersecurity

Time for resolution as the New Year approaches, whether we plan for fitness to lose weight or spend quality time with friends and family. Nevertheless, one in ten people manage to stick on to their plan, similarly, one in seven people think about cybersecurity as a priority. CISOs as it comes into existence to enhance the […]

Cyber security and strategy

Cybersecurity is a practice that ensures that all the information, confidentiality and availability are intact and not compromised with. It depends on how you keep them safe and in case of any adversaries, how to recover that information. Having said that one should keep in mind how the hackers and those involved in developing malicious […]

Cloud-Delivered Cybersecurity

When John Graham joined Jabil four years ago as its first Chief Information Security Officer (CISO), he found an IT environment that was an early adopter of cloud computing but did not have a security focus. Capitalizing on the availability of high-quality, cloud-based security tools and services, Graham was able to quickly and cost-efficiently develop […]

Hire a Hacker is the latest in Cyber Crime Service

Guess, what it must be when you see a guy a user on the dark web claims that he can track any individual anywhere in the world, what will be your first reaction. Well, the guy who claims he can do this has set a pattern that he can track the habit of the people […]

Monetary Authority Of Singapore Tightens Cybersecurity

The Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) is now all set to take firm stands as regards cyber security. Plans are to take concrete steps to tighten cyber security, with full support from the best of cyber security experts. The MAS had earlier issued a release titled ‘MAS Sets Up International Advisory Panel for Cyber Security‘, […]

Trump’s Organization got compromised by Hackers 4 years Ago

In 2013, Hackers apparently gained access to the Trump Organization’s domain booking account and created at least 250 website subdomains that cybersecurity specialists refer to as “shadow” subdomains. Each one of these shadow Trump subdomains guided to a Russian IP address, implying that they were hosted at these Russian addresses. Every website domain is connected […]

Entire Europe is being affected by the BadRabbit Ransomware

According to various cybersecurity firms, the growing virus is dubbed “BadRabbit” and is a form of ransomware that bolts down machines and requires bitcoin from administrators. Screenshots of the infections posted to social media revealed BadRabbit asking for 0.05BTC for decryption, which is similar to £215 ($280). Reports show that the Kiev Metro, Odessa naval […]

5 Essentials Your Cybersecurity Strategy Should Include

Cybersecurity Strategy refers to the security plans enterprises adopt in order to safeguard their businesses against various evolving cybersecurity threats. These security plans are the result of a lot of brainstorming usually conducted between the board of directors of the respective enterprises and cybersecurity professionals, the output of which are – to put it very […]

FCC DDoS Attack Raises Cybersecurity Concern

The FCC had encountered numerous DDoS assaults that affected its Open Internet comment docket, post this issue the House Democrats have raised their concern, citing that they are skeptical about the way FCC’s cyber security readiness to talk about how they are going to deal with it. The FCC has only given a subtle element […]