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linux terminal

TLDR pages: Simplified Alternative To Linux Man Pages

Working on the terminal and using various commands to carry out important tasks is an indispensable part of a Linux desktop experience. This open-source operating system possesses an abundance of commands that makes it impossible for any user to remember all of them. To make things more complex, each command has its own set of options […]

How to Make The Sudo Password Visible in Ubuntu

Many flavours of Linux like Ubuntu are assertive operating systems. In these operating systems, only the administrator has the authority to make any changes to the system. If you are not an admin and just a normal user, there are a lot of commands that you cannot execute and also you can’t view files under […]

Little Kids Having Fun With “Terminal Train” In Ubuntu Linux

Short Bytes: Linux is often stereotyped as the operating system for tech savvy users and developers. However, there are some fun Linux commands that one can use in spare time. A small utility named sl can be installed in Linux to play with the Terminal Train. Even if you are a Linux beginner, learning the basics […]

How to Clear Your Terminal History on Linux or macOS

Press the “up” arrow in the Mac or Linux command line and you’ll see the last command you ran. Keep pressing “up” and you’ll see more commands; you can go back days, months, or even years. This is called your history, and it’s very convenient. If you made a mistake typing a long command, simply […]

How To Use StackOverflow Inside Your Terminal Window?

Short Bytes: Using StackOverflow to solve your doubts right from the terminal window is very easy. You need to download a small tool and use a simple syntax to search StackOverflow questions without leaving the world of the terminal. Go ahead and give it a try. In our series of Linux Lexicon, we are continuously adding […]