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New ‘Shrootless’ Bug Could Let Attackers Install Rootkit on macOS Systems

Microsoft on Thursday disclosed details of a new vulnerability that could allow an attacker to bypass security restrictions in macOS and take complete control of the device to perform arbitrary operations on the device without getting flagged by traditional security solutions. Dubbed “Shrootless” and tracked as CVE-2021-30892, the “vulnerability lies in how Apple-signed packages with […]

Russian TrickBot Gang Hacker Extradited to U.S. Charged with Cybercrime

A Russian national, who was arrested in South Korea last month and extradited to the U.S. on October 20, appeared in a federal court in the state of Ohio on Thursday to face charges for his alleged role as a member of the infamous TrickBot group. “This is another success for the Department’s recently launched […]

New Wslink Malware Loader Runs as a Server and Executes Modules in Memory

Cybersecurity researchers on Wednesday took the wraps off a “simple yet remarkable” malware loader for malicious Windows binaries targeting Central Europe, North America and the Middle East. Codenamed “Wslink” by ESET, this previously undocumented malware stands apart from the rest in that it runs as a server and executes received modules in memory. There are […]

Malicious NPM Libraries Caught Installing Password Stealer and Ransomware

Malicious actors have yet again published two more typosquatted libraries to the official NPM repository that mimic a legitimate package from Roblox, the game company, with the goal of distributing stealing credentials, installing remote access trojans, and infecting the compromised systems with ransomware. The bogus packages — named “noblox.js-proxy” and “noblox.js-proxies” — were found to […]

UpdateAgent malware variant impersonates legitimate macOS software

The new variant of UpdateAgent malware is also capable of dropping adware against macOS. The IT security researchers at Microsoft Security Intelligence have discovered a new variant of  UpdateAgent (aka WizardUpdate) malware targeting Mac devices. UpdateAgent was originally discovered in November 2020 targeting macOS. New variant, new capabilities, new adware In a series of tweets, […]

Hackers Using Squirrelwaffle Loader to Deploy Qakbot and Cobalt Strike

A new spam email campaign has emerged as a conduit for a previously undocumented malware loader that enables the attackers to gain an initial foothold into enterprise networks and drop malicious payloads on compromised systems. “These infections are also used to facilitate the delivery of additional malware such as Qakbot and Cobalt Strike, two of […]

Latest Report Uncovers Supply Chain Attacks by North Korean Hackers

Lazarus Group, the advanced persistent threat (APT) group attributed to the North Korean government, has been observed waging two separate supply chain attack campaigns as a means to gain a foothold into corporate networks and target a wide range of downstream entities. The latest intelligence-gathering operation involved the use of MATA malware framework as well […]

Over 10 Million Android Users Targeted With Premium SMS Scam Apps

A global fraud campaign has been found leveraging 151 malicious Android apps with 10.5 million downloads to rope users into premium subscription services without their consent and knowledge. The premium SMS scam campaign — dubbed “UltimaSMS” — is believed to commenced in May 2021 and involved apps that cover a wide range of categories, including […]

NYT Journalist Repeatedly Hacked with Pegasus after Reporting on Saudi Arabia

The iPhone of New York Times journalist Ben Hubbard was repeatedly hacked with NSO Group’s Pegasus spyware tool over a three-year period stretching between June 2018 to June 2021, resulting in infections twice in July 2020 and June 2021. The University of Toronto’s Citizen Lab, which publicized the findings on Sunday, said the “targeting took […]

Microsoft Warns of TodayZoo Phishing Kit Used in Extensive Credential Stealing Attacks

Microsoft on Thursday disclosed an “extensive series of credential phishing campaigns” that takes advantage of a custom phishing kit that stitched together components from at least five different widely circulated ones with the goal of siphoning user login information. The tech giant’s Microsoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team, which detected the first instances of the […]

Feds Reportedly Hacked REvil Ransomware Group and Forced it Offline

The Russian-led REvil ransomware gang was felled by an active multi-country law enforcement operation that resulted in its infrastructure being hacked and taken offline for a second time earlier this week, in what’s the latest action taken by governments to disrupt the lucrative ecosystem. The takedown was first reported by Reuters, quoting multiple private-sector cyber […]

Popular NPM Package Hijacked to Publish Crypto-mining Malware

The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency on Friday warned of crypto-mining and password-stealing malware embedded in “UAParser.js,” a popular JavaScript NPM library with over 6 million weekly downloads, days after the NPM repository moved to get rid of three rogue packages that were found to mimic the same library. The supply-chain attack targeting the […]

‘Lone Wolf’ Hacker Group Targeting Afghanistan and India with Commodity RATs

A new malware campaign targeting Afghanistan and India is exploiting a now-patched, 20-year-old flaw affecting Microsoft Office to deploy an array of commodity remote access trojans (RATs) that allow the adversary to gain complete control over the compromised endpoints. Cisco Talos attributed the cyber campaign to a “lone wolf” threat actor operating a Lahore-based fake […]

Hackers Set Up Fake Company to Get IT Experts to Launch Ransomware Attacks

The financially motivated FIN7 cybercrime gang has masqueraded as yet another fictitious cybersecurity company called “Bastion Secure” to recruit unwitting software engineers under the guise of penetration testing in a likely lead-up to a ransomware scheme. “With FIN7’s latest fake company, the criminal group leveraged true, publicly available information from various legitimate cybersecurity companies to […]

Researchers Discover Microsoft-Signed FiveSys Rootkit in the Wild

A newly identified rootkit has been found with a valid digital signature issued by Microsoft that’s used to proxy traffic to internet addresses of interest to the attackers for over a year targeting online gamers in China. Bucharest-headquartered cybersecurity technology company Bitdefender named the malware “FiveSys,” calling out its possible credential theft and in-game-purchase hijacking […]

Ad-blocker Chrome extension AllBlock injected ads in Google searches

AllBlock was available on Google Chrome’s Web Store where it is marketed as a potent Ad Blocker focusing on Facebook and YouTube to prevent pop-ups. Google has maintained that it takes the security of Chrome extensions very seriously and regularly vets them to prevent exploitation. However, the new report from Imperva reveals that maybe Google […]

Squid Game app on Play Store was spreading Joker malware

Squid Game and Joker malware turn out to be a “killer combination” after all. Netflix’s biggest ever series Squid Game is a smash hit with over 142 million users watching it globally. This dystopian series from Korea has raked in approx. $900 million against a relatively underwhelming production cost of $21.4 million. The craze surrounding Squid […]

Hackers Stealing Browser Cookies to Hijack High-Profile YouTube Accounts

Since at least late 2019, a network of hackers-for-hire have been hijacking the channels of YouTube creators, luring them with bogus collaboration opportunities to broadcast cryptocurrency scams or sell the accounts to the highest bidder. That’s according to a new report published by Google’s Threat Analysis Group (TAG), which said it disrupted financially motivated phishing […]

Two Eastern Europeans Sentenced for Providing Bulletproof Hosting to Cyber Criminals

Two Eastern European nationals have been sentenced in the U.S. for offering “bulletproof hosting” services to cybercriminals, who used the technical infrastructure to distribute malware and attack financial institutions across the country between 2009 to 2015. Pavel Stassi, 30, of Estonia, and Aleksandr Shorodumov, 33, of Lithuania, have been each sentenced to 24 months and […]

A New Variant of FlawedGrace Spreading Through Mass Email Campaigns

Cybersecurity researchers on Tuesday took the wraps off a mass volume email attack staged by a prolific cybercriminal gang affecting a wide range of industries, with one of its region-specific operations notably targeting Germany and Austria. Enterprise security firm Proofpoint tied the malware campaign with high confidence to TA505, which is the name assigned to […]

Cybersecurity Experts Warn of a Rise in Lyceum Hacker Group Activities in Tunisia

A threat actor, previously known for striking organizations in the energy and telecommunications sectors across the Middle East as early as April 2018, has evolved its malware arsenal to strike two entities in Tunisia. Security researchers at Kaspersky, who presented their findings at the VirusBulletin VB2021 conference earlier this month, attributed the attacks to a […]