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DLL side-loading Attack Takes Advantage of Windows Search Order to Inject Malicious DLL

Dynamic-link library (DLL) side-loading is an increasingly popular cyberattack method that takes advantage of how Microsoft Windows applications handle DLL files. In such attacks, malware places a spoofed malicious DLL file in a Windows’ WinSxS directory so that the operating system loads it instead of the legitimate file. What is DLL side-loading Attack? Generally in […]

ShadowPad Malware is Becoming a Favorite Choice of Chinese Espionage Groups

ShadowPad, an infamous Windows backdoor that allows attackers to download further malicious modules or steal data, has been put to use by five different Chinese threat clusters since 2017. “The adoption of ShadowPad significantly reduces the costs of development and maintenance for threat actors,” SentinelOne researchers Yi-Jhen Hsieh and Joey Chen said in a detailed […]

Cybercrime Group Asking Insiders for Help in Planting Ransomware

A Nigerian threat actor has been observed attempting to recruit employees by offering them to pay $1 million in bitcoins to deploy Black Kingdom ransomware on companies’ networks as part of an insider threat scheme. “The sender tells the employee that if they’re able to deploy ransomware on a company computer or Windows server, then […]

Researchers Find New Evidence Linking Diavol Ransomware to TrickBot Gang

Cybersecurity researchers have disclosed details about an early development version of a nascent ransomware strain called Diavol that has been linked to threat actors behind the infamous TrickBot syndicate. The latest findings from IBM X-Force show that the ransomware sample shares similarities to other malware that has been attributed to the cybercrime gang, thus establishing […]

Why Is There A Surge In Ransomware Attacks?

The U.S. is presently combating two pandemics–coronavirus and ransomware attacks. Both have partially shut down parts of the economy. However, in the case of cybersecurity, lax security measures allow hackers to have an easy way to rake in millions. It’s pretty simple for hackers to gain financially, using malicious software to access and encrypt data […]

Pulse Secure VPNs Get New Urgent Update for Poorly Patched Critical Flaw

Pulse Secure has shipped a fix for a critical post-authentication remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in its Connect Secure virtual private network (VPN) appliances to address an incomplete patch for an actively exploited flaw it previously resolved in October 2020. “The Pulse Connect Secure appliance suffers from an uncontrolled archive extraction vulnerability which allows an […]

New Amazon Kindle Bug Could’ve Let Attackers Hijack Your eBook Reader

Amazon earlier this April addressed a critical vulnerability in its Kindle e-book reader platform that could have been potentially exploited to take full control over a user’s device, resulting in the theft of sensitive information by just deploying a malicious e-book. “By sending Kindle users a single malicious e-book, a threat actor could have stolen […]

A Wide Range of Cyber Attacks Leveraging Prometheus TDS Malware Service

Multiple cybercriminal groups are leveraging a malware-as-a-service (MaaS) solution to carry out a wide range of malicious software distribution campaigns that result in the deployment of payloads such as Campo Loader, Hancitor, IcedID, QBot, Buer Loader, and SocGholish against individuals in Belgium as well as government agencies, companies, and corporations in the U.S. Dubbed “Prometheus” […]

Chinese Hackers Target Major Southeast Asian Telecom Companies

Three distinct clusters of malicious activities operating on behalf of Chinese state interests have staged a series of attacks to target networks belonging to at least five major telecommunications companies located in Southeast Asian countries since 2017. “The goal of the attackers behind these intrusions was to gain and maintain continuous access to telecommunication providers […]

Solarmarker InfoStealer Malware Once Again Making its Way Into the Wild

Healthcare and education sectors are the frequent targets of a new surge in credential harvesting activity from what’s a “highly modular” .NET-based information stealer and keylogger, charting the course for the threat actor’s continued evolution while simultaneously remaining under the radar. Dubbed “Solarmarker,” the malware campaign is believed to be active since September 2020, with […]

Experts Uncover Several C&C Servers Linked to WellMess Malware

Cybersecurity researchers on Friday unmasked new command-and-control (C2) infrastructure belonging to the Russian threat actor tracked as APT29, aka Cozy Bear, that has been spotted actively serving WellMess malware as part of an ongoing attack campaign. More than 30 C2 servers operated by the Russian foreign intelligence have been uncovered, Microsoft-owned cybersecurity subsidiary RiskIQ said […]

Several Malicious Typosquatted Python Libraries Found On PyPI Repository

As many as eight Python packages that were downloaded more than 30,000 times have been removed from the PyPI portal for containing malicious code, once again highlighting how software package repositories are evolving into a popular target for supply chain attacks. “Lack of moderation and automated security controls in public software repositories allow even inexperienced […]

A New Wiper Malware Was Behind Recent Cyberattack On Iranian Train System

A cyber attack that derailed websites of Iran’s transport ministry and its national railway system earlier this month, causing widespread disruptions in train services, was the result of a never-before-seen reusable wiper malware called “Meteor.” The campaign — dubbed “MeteorExpress” — has not been linked to any previously identified threat group or to additional attacks, […]

Hackers Exploit Microsoft Browser Bug to Deploy VBA Malware on Targeted PCs

An unidentified threat actor has been exploiting a now-patched zero-day flaw in Internet Explorer browser to deliver a fully-featured VBA-based remote access trojan (RAT) capable of accessing files stored in compromised Windows systems, and downloading and executing malicious payloads as part of an “unusual” campaign. The backdoor is distributed via a decoy document named “Manifest.docx” […]

New Android Malware Uses VNC to Spy and Steal Passwords from Victims

A previously undocumented Android-based remote access trojan (RAT) has been found to use screen recording features to steal sensitive information on the device, including banking credentials, and open the door for on-device fraud. Dubbed “Vultur” due to its use of Virtual Network Computing (VNC)’s remote screen-sharing technology to gain full visibility on targeted users, the […]

Hackers Turning to ‘Exotic’ Programming Languages for Malware Development

Threat actors are increasingly shifting to “exotic” programming languages such as Go, Rust, Nim, and Dlang that can better circumvent conventional security protections, evade analysis, and hamper reverse engineering efforts. “Malware authors are known for their ability to adapt and modify their skills and behaviors to take advantage of newer technologies,” said Eric Milam, Vice […]

Microsoft Warns of LemonDuck Malware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems

An infamous cross-platform crypto-mining malware has continued to refine and improve upon its techniques to strike both Windows and Linux operating systems by setting its sights on older vulnerabilities, while simultaneously latching on to a variety of spreading mechanisms to maximize the effectiveness of its campaigns. “LemonDuck, an actively updated and robust malware that’s primarily […]

Beware!! Fake Windows 11 Installer Drop Malware on Your Computer

Earlier this year Microsoft announced Windows 11, and Microsoft hasn’t published this new operating system publicly. But, a few weeks ago Windows 11 was unofficially leaked before Microsoft released it to Windows Insiders. In short, the announcement of the new OS of Microsoft, Windows 11 has created a big hype on the internet world. And […]

New Malware “MosaicLoader” Targeting Users Searching for Pirated Software

The new ‘MosaicLoader’ malware, a password-stealing Windows malware is distributed through adverts for cracked software. The cybersecurity company Bitdefender warns as the malware installs cryptocurrency miners and delivers trojan malware and those behind it want to sell access to Windows PCs onto other cybercriminals. MosaicLoader is delivered through paid ads in search results designed to […]

XLoader Windows InfoStealer Malware Now Upgraded to Attack macOS Systems

A popular malware known for stealing sensitive information from Windows machines has evolved into a new strain capable of also targeting Apple’s macOS operating system. The upgraded malware, dubbed “XLoader,” is a successor to another well-known Windows-based info stealer called Formbook that’s known to vacuum credentials from various web browsers, capture screenshots, record keystrokes, and […]

This New Malware Hides Itself Among Windows Defender Exclusions to Evade Detection

Cybersecurity researchers on Tuesday lifted the lid on a previously undocumented malware strain dubbed “MosaicLoader” that singles out individuals searching for cracked software as part of a global campaign. “The attackers behind MosaicLoader created a piece of malware that can deliver any payload on the system, making it potentially profitable as a delivery service,” Bitdefender […]