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Hackers steal source code from hundreds of GitHub repositories and demand ransom

According to cyber forensics course specialists, GitHub, open source software development platform, has been the target of a campaign of aggressive cyberattacks. During the attacks, the threat actors removed code repositories and demanded the developers a ransom in exchange for restoring the deleted code. The first reports indicate that the attack would have occurred during […]

Microsoft Edge Updated With IE Support, Privacy Options, and Collections

Microsoft Edge will now include legacy support for older websites within it for easy usage. Furthermore, the company also announced Collections, improved privacy settings, support for enterprise and a preview of Fluid Framework for the Chromium-based browser – Microsoft Edge. Microsoft Edge Legacy Support According to Microsoft, almost 60% of businesses still rely on legacy […]

Microsoft Build 2019 Event Roundup: Here Are The Biggest Announcements

Microsoft has announced a bunch of new features and services at the annual Build 2019 Developer Conference. Besides the Windows 10 operating system, which obviously remains the center of attention, other important announcements were made such as the much awaited Chromium-based Internet Explorer browser, new Windows Terminal, an online code editor, open sourcing of development kits, […]

Microsoft Launches Open Source Voting Platform To Make Voting Transparent

It’s election time in India and being an Indian, reading headlines mentioning faulty Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs) is common these days. Many countries still follow ballot paper voting as there exists no standard voting platform. Microsoft wants to change it. At its annual developer event in Seattle, Microsoft has announced ElectionGuard – an open source […]

Microsoft Unveils Visual Studio Online: A Web-Based Code Editor #Build2019

Microsoft Build, the annual developer conference, kicked off today in Seattle with several new announcements for the year. Among the major highlights of the event, Microsoft announced ‘Visual Studio Online,’ an online code editor for developers. The company is pitching Visual Studio Online as a companion to Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code. The online editor is […]

Microsoft Open Sources Its Quantum Computing Developer Kit On GitHub #Build2019

Microsoft has been working on quantum computing for a long time. The company has been building tools to help developers in boosting quantum computing. Previously, the company has already rolled Q#, a domain-specific programming language for writing quantum codes, a compiler for compiling quantum codes and a quantum simulator. All these tools are a part […]

Ex-Google Employee Admits Using YouTube To Kill Internet Explorer

Google has been long-accused of following manipulative practices to rise above all rival web browsers, and indeed it is now the most popular one out of the lot. Amidst the accusations, an ex-Google employee has admitted that Google followed such methods. Chris Zacharias, a former YouTube developer, via his blog post has suggested that Google […]

Microsoft Azure’s CTO Is Running Windows 10 ARM On Lumia 950 XL

When Microsoft shelved its plans for Windows-based smartphones, it shattered the dreams of many people. Microsoft is not to blame here as it is difficult to thrive amongst Android and iOS. A group of developers recently rekindled the dream by running full Windows 10 on ARM on Lumia 950 XL. The project has seen steady […]

Microsoft Launches Blockchain Service In Partnership With JP Morgan

Microsoft is set to host its annual Build event on May 6, and before it, the Redmond company has unveiled its fully managed blockchain service in partnership with banking giant JP Morgan. To clear the air, Azure Blockchain Service is not to carry out cryptocurrency transactions, albeit an enterprise service meant for businesses to allow […]

Hackers steal Microsoft Outlook login credentials to steal Bitcoin

Cyber forensics course specialists report that a group of hackers have infiltrated some email accounts from Outlook users to steal several virtual assets, including Bitcoin. The total stolen amount is still unknown, although it is speculated that it could be a considerable sum. One of the victims, a Dutch engineer, claims that a threat actor […]

Sensitive data of 80 million US households exposed online

The 24 GB database was hosted on a Microsoft cloud server. Another day, another data breach; this time researchers have discovered an unprotected cloud repository containing personal and financial information of more than 80 million US households. This incident reminds us of two similar breaches in which highly sensitive data of 200 million and 82 […]

Windows 10 Minimum Storage Requirements Increased For The First Time

The software vendors provide a set of minimum hardware requirements to tell the users if they can run the software on their machines. If the software is paid, this information becomes even more critical as nobody wants to go through the hassle of trying to get a refund. For Windows 10 operating system, Microsoft has […]

Microsoft will remove password expiration policy; they think it’s useless

The technology giant Microsoft plans to eliminate the so-called password expiration policy, by which the company requests Windows users to change their login keys periodically, reported vulnerability testing specialists. The company announced this proposal through a publication on its official blog; in the text, Microsoft mentions that its standard security settings will stop asking users […]

MS Paint Won’t Die: It Will Continue To Be A Part Of Windows 10

For all the Microsoft Paint fans who have always loved to doodle around in their free time, here’s some good news! After news of Microsoft’s plans to remove Paint from Windows 10, the company has now confirmed that the long-run MS product will be a part of the upcoming Windows 10 update. Brandon LeBlanc, senior […]

GitHub Workers Want Microsoft To Protect The Viral Chinese Repository

China is notorious for internet censorship, and Chinese developers have found their safe haven in GitHub to protest against the long working hours. The developers protesting against “996” working culture – 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., 6 days a week have created a repository named “996.ICU” that has 230,492 members currently. With GitHub becoming the new […]

Windows 10, 8.1 and 7 Getting Bricked After April 2019 Windows Update

Seems like Redmond continues to have nightmares when it comes to their Windows update roll-out, as reports of a massive number of bricked computers are occurring for Windows 10, 8.1 and 7 after the April 2019 Patch Tuesday. The affected computers are no longer booting to Windows after the installation of the Patch Tuesday updates, […]

Malformed .MHT File in Internet Explorer May Lead To File Theft

As Microsoft is gearing up with a new version of Microsoft Edge based-on Chromium engine, Internet Explorer, its ugly step-mother remains as part of Windows 10, and it is dragging its vulnerability towards Redmond’s latest operating system. The Proof-Of-Concept code has been released to demonstrate the XML eXternal Entity flaw in Internet Explorer 11, which […]

New Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability Grants Hackers Full Control Over PCs

According to the latest Kaspersky Lab Report, a Windows Zero-Day vulnerability is serving as a backdoor for hackers to take control of users’ PCs. The latest exploit utilizes a use-after-free attack and has a technical name CVE-2019-0895. The exploit is found in win32k.sys and grants hackers Local Privilege meaning they’re able to access resources usually outside of users’ capabilities. How Windows Zero-Day Vulnerability Works? A normal […]

Xbox Game Pass Ultimate Merges Xbox Live Gold And Game Pass

Microsoft has announced the Xbox Game Pass Ultimate, which combines the Xbox Live Gold membership and the Game Pass. The new service costs $15 per month and is currently only available to select Xbox insider members. The Xbox Game Pass Ultimate will be officially launched later this year. And in case you were wondering, the […]

Microsoft was hacked – Outlook and employees’ accounts have been hacked

Microsoft has revealed that a group of unknown hackers has perpetrated a data breach in some of the company’s systems; according to cyber forensics course experts from the International Institute of Cyber Security (IICS), hackers would have compromised the log in credentials of some members of the company’s technical support team, thanks to this, they […]