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Iran purported to Cyberattacks according to reports

As reported in Eurasiareview – A US-based cybersecurity intelligence group says Iranian state institutions have perpetrated a growing number of international cyber-attacks for profit in recent months. In a VOA Persian interview, Accenture Security growth and strategy leader Tom Parker said “We certainly have seen an evolution in the motive of why some attacks are […]

A New .NET Ransomware Shrug2 Encrypts Files Around 76 Different Extensions

Malware authors find easy to develop malware using the Microsoft .Net framework, some infamous ransomware like SamSam, Lime and now Shrug2 ransomware have been found built with .NET framework. Shrug ransomware first appeared wild on July 6 embedded with fake software and gaming apps, now it appears it is coming back again with added features. […]

Iranian Hackers are Developing Ransomware to Secure Bitcoin

Cybersecurity experts have come up with the warning that Iranian Hackers, in the face of the economic issues that the country is likely to face, have started developing ransomware that they would use to secure bitcoin. This warning has been delivered by cybersecurity experts who were interviewed by The Wall Street Journal. The Wall Street […]

Iphone chipmaker hit by massive ransomware attack

Factories crippled after WannaCry variant infected Windows 7 devices without protection Enterprise network security specialists from the International Institute of Cyber Security reported that Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (TSMC), the world’s largest chip manufacturer, suffered an infection with WannaCry virus that affected its manufacturing facilities systems, leaving multiple factories unable to function. The event could cost the […]

BitPaymer Malware made Mat-Su Alaska Gov’t to Reuse Typewriters

Electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attacks can render our advanced technology to recede as back to pre-industrial revolution stage. In other words, we in the corporate world will be forced back to using typewriters, as our computers are damaged beyond repairs. Dusting-off the old typewriters to replace broken computers happened recently in Matanuska-Susitna’s local government. A borough […]

Cyber Criminals Launch Hermes Ransomware Via Password Protected Word Documents

Cyber Criminals distributing Hermes Ransomware via dangerous malspam that contains Weaponized Password protected Word documents to encrypt the system files and lock the victim’s computer. Hermes Ransomware Attack is wide spreading Ransomware nowadays with newly updated futures under constant development to target various countries. Few Months Before attackers distributed Hermes ransomware through the flash exploit and attacks […]

IT Security Pros Are Sure Feeling The Heat Of Modern Attacks

In this new digital landscape, IT security professionals are feeling the most heat, as they must constantly fret about looming cyberattacks and data breaches. According to these folks, attacks have only increased in size and sophistication since the internet first became a thing. The International Cyber Benchmarks Index and The Changing Face of Cyber Attacks, […]

New variant of Kronos banking trojan spotted using Tor network

WannaCry ransomware hero is facing charges in the United States for developing Kronos banking trojan. In August 2017, Marcus Hutchins (@MalwareTechBlog on Twitter) aka WannaCry ransomware hero was arrested in the United States by the FBI and charged with playing a vital role in the development of Kronos banking Trojan. He is still in the States facing Federal […]

5 Reasons Why Businesses Are Failing IT 101

In today’s ever-changing technological landscape, cybercriminals have taken on the challenge of cybersecurity. Different forms of ransomware and crytojacking malware are their new weapons of choice—not just for their 15 minutes of fame, but to rake in crazy amounts of profit. Just like any other profession, hackers are “in it to win it.” Because hackers […]

Hackers Compromised Navi Mumbai Hospital Computers Sytems With Ransomware

Ransomware attack hits computer systems of Navi Mumbai Mahatma Gandhi Mission Hospital. The attack came into light on Sunday when a receptionist switched on her computer. As soon as they noticed the attack, the hospital authorities tried to disconnect other machines from the network, but it was too late as all the system already infected […]

Cyptojacking: the latest buzzword for Cybercriminals

Ransomware seems to have taken a back seat and not it’s Cryptojacking the latest arsenal for cybercriminals, and it has increased drastically over the year. It looks like the priorities of the cybercriminals are changing. Earlier they targetted companies, and financial institution, are now targeting their computer resources Now this sudden shift in cybercriminal’s priority has put the powerful computers of these […]

Prospective on the evolution of ransomware

This is a reflection exercise on the possible evolution of one of the most common information threats nowadays. Are ransomware threats the big deal that media claim? Ransomware is a malware variant seen as part of a waving of fast attacks, which means it is fast in entrance and exit. Hackers don’t have to go through […]

Magniber Ransomware Improves Its Obfuscation Techniques and Expands to Other Asian Countries

Magniber ransomware emerges again leveraging various obfuscation techniques and with refined source codes. The most famous and long-running browser exploitation toolkit Magnitude delivering Magniber ransomware, and the toolkit primarily uses Zero-day remote code execution vulnerability allows an attacker could execute arbitrary code and take the complete control of the infected system (CVE-2018-8174). Previously Magniber targets […]

Rewritten GandCrab Ransomware Targets SMB Vulnerabilities To Attack Faster

GandCrab ransomware, which has created a hullabaloo in the cybersecurity industry by constantly evolving, has yet again caused a commotion. The latest version of the ransomware attacks system using SMB exploit spreader via compromised websites. The ransomware is adding new features every day to target different countries. The attackers behind the ransomware are scanning the […]

New Version of GandCrab Ransomware Attack via Compromised Websites using SMB Exploit Spreader

The new version of GandCrab ransomware discovered that attack the target system using SMB exploit spreader through compromised websites that posed as a download site. GandCrab Ransomware Attack is wide spreading Ransomware nowadays with newly updated futures under constant development to target various countries. Gandcrab Ransomware attackers widely scanning the internet web pages to find out […]

Hackers Distributing Malicious PDF that Perform both Ransomware and Crypto-Mining Attack

A newly discovered malicious PDF sample distributing Rakhni ransomware family and hackers now added new crypto-mining capabilities to infect victims to perform both operations based on the targeted system power. Rakhni Ransomware family active since 2013 and malware authors now added some now future with mining capabilities. This multi-purpose malware maintains targeting Russia(95.57%) and other Asian […]

A virus that decides whether your computer will be attacked with cryptojacking or with ransomware

Pentest specialists discovered a malware piece that infects systems with ransomware cryptocurrency mining programs, depending on equipment specifications and configuration, to decide which of the two attacks could be more profitable. While ransomware is a type of malware that blocks a computer and prevents access to encrypted data until a ransom is paid to remove file […]

Heighten End-User’s Responsibility with Fighting Phishing

Antimalware companies have made many innovations for many decades in order to keep individuals and enterprises secure from cyber risks. However, human end-users are still considered the weakest part of the chain in the IT security space. As computing technology becomes more complex, end-users are expecting better designed interface, enhanced with more automation technologies to […]

Endpoint Security-Related Issues that Providers Encounter

Endpoint security is of critical importance to all kinds of organizations, big and small. As organizations all around the world get attacked by cyber criminals, efforts are on to secure all endpoints in enterprise networks. These include mobile devices, laptops, desktops, servers etc. “Fileless attacks”, which exploit gaps in traditional security, are also on the […]