
“Ubuntu Budgie” Becomes The New Official Ubuntu Flavor

Short Bytes: The budgie-remix Linux distro team has announced that the Ubuntu Technical Board has granted it an official community flavor distro status. 17.04 will be the first release of this distro under a new name Ubuntu Budgie. This change will allow Ubuntu Budgie to enjoy an equal status, just like the other flavors, in the Ubuntu family.

Budgie is the flagship desktop environment developed from the scratch as a Solus Project. It greatly integrates with the GNOME stack and employs the underlying technologies. It ships with an applet, customization, and notification referred to as Raven.

Some of you might be knowing that budgie-remix is an Ubuntu-based GNU/Linux distribution that ships with Budgie as the default desktop environment. Now, the budgie-remix team has announced that the Ubuntu Technical Board has granted an official flavor status to the distro. From now on, budgie-remix will be called Ubuntu Budgie.

The first release of this distro was 16.04, followed by 16.04.1 and 16.10. In such a short period of time, this distro has managed to gain popularity and grab the official status. Under the new name, 17.04 will be the first Ubuntu Budgie release.

If you don’t know what does an official Ubuntu flavor status mean, let me tell you that now Ubuntu Budgie will get the official build and hosting facilities. Ubuntu Budgie users will also be able to take advantage of official Ubuntu sites like Ask Ubuntu, Ubuntu Forums,, and others. In short, Ubuntu Budgie will share an equal status in the wider Ubuntu family.

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