Steam Servers Go Down for Christmas as SkidNP Hackers Begin Their DDoS Attacks

Hacking group keeps its promise, downs Steam for Christmas.The SkidNP hacking group kept their promise and started attacking Steam servers on Christmas, after a spat with Phantom Squad earlier this week when the two groups had a “territory fight,” defacing each others websites and calling each other “skids” (script kiddies, derogatory hacker term). It now […]

Anonymous Target Turkish Banks, Disrupt Credit Card Transactions

Anonymous hackers have conducted yet another cyber attack on Turkey’s cyberspace targeting its banking system. The online hacktivist Anonymous has conducted another series of cyber attacks on Turkey and, this time, their target was the backbone of the country ie. the banking sector. According to local media, several banks were hit with powerful DDoS attack […]

20 Surprising Facts About Apple That You Probably Didn’t Know

Short Bytes: Apple Inc. has been the most valuable company, and they had more revenue than Google, Facebook and Microsoft combined in the first quarter of 2014. Here are some interesting facts about the Cupertino-based company. Apple Inc. was founded on April 1, 1976, in Cupertino, CA by Steve Jobs, Steve Wozniak and Ronald Wayne […]

Hackers Shutdown EA and Steam Servers Because It’s Christmas

Last week HR reported about a hacking group “Phantom Squad” that is planning ruin holidays for the gamers. It looks like the group has started working on turning their plans into reality — However, another group known as SkidNP has also joined the attacks and shut down Steam servers. EA Servers: The group Phantom Squad […]

Yahoo To Notify Users If Government is Trying To Get Into Their Account

Yahoo has followed the footsteps of Facebook and Twitter and has announced they will also alert its users regarding state-sponsored attacks — So if any user is found to have been targeted by state-sponsored hackers they will receive an alert from Yahoo. Though, the company did not disclose how it will be identifying state-sponsored attacks […]

This Map Shows The Most Googled Person In Each Country In 2015

Short Bytes: Lionel Messi and Kim Kardashian earned the #1 position on the list of most searched people in 2015. Both were the most Googled personalities in 26 countries each. Read more to find out the most Googled people in your country. The year 2015 is almost over and I bet you spent a good […]

Is Linux Mint 17.3 The Best Linux Desktop Distro Ever Made?

Short Bytes: The latest Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa MATE and Cinnamon flavors are now available for download. Following the “If it’s not broken, don’t fix it” model, Mint developers have been able to create the polished Linux desktop experience around. Do you agree with me? For a very long time, Linux Mint Project has been […]

Pirate Bay Founder Invents Piracy Gadget to Cripple Music Industry

The Pirate Bay co-founder Peter Sunde has invented a “Kopimashin” that will cripple the music industry. The co-founder of Pirate Bay Peter Sunde has been in trouble for the last couple of years for his connections with the site, that’s the reason he owes a large amount of money to entertainment giants. But if you […]

No, Anonymous is not supporting Bernie Sanders or anyone else

An online blog falsely claiming to represent Anonymous has announced its support for presidential candidate Mr. Bernie Sanders — In reply Anonymous hacktivists have denied any support for any presidential candidate. AnonHQ blog claims to be the official voice of the online hacktivist group Anonymous however the reality is far from the truth — The blog has […]

Livestream Just Got Hacked. Change Your Password Right Now

Short Bytes: They got Livestream hacked! The popular live streaming platform Livestream has asked its users to reset the password through a mail. However, Livestream says that the database might have been breached but the hacker might not have access to confidential data of its customers. The popular live video streaming platform Livestream has announced that […]

India temporarily bans Facebook’s controversial free internet service

Facebook’s plan to bring limited, free internet access to India has hit a hurdle: a regulator in the country wants it blocked. India’s telecom regulator has asked that the service be disabled while investigating whether it poses a threat to net neutrality. In particular, the regulator is concerned about whether phone carriers should be allowed to […]

How GOTPass System Will Make Online Banking More Secure And Easier

Short Bytes: GOTPass system is believed to replace the conventional banking login system where a user has to type in the password. With GOTPass system, now a user can login into multiple accounts using multiple devices. Know How GOTPass system will work. GotPass uses images and a one-time numerical code to provide a more secure […]

27 Toughest Questions Asked At Airbnb Job Interviews

Short Bytes: Airbnb topped this year’s lists to become the best tech company to work for in 2016. If you are obsessed with traveling and want to work at Airbnb, you’ll have to face some tricky questions. Today, we bring to you the list of some of the toughest questions asked at Airbnb job interviews.  Airbnb, […]

Hyatt Hotels attacked with payment-card stealing malware

Hyatt Hotels Corp said on Wednesday that its payment processing system was infected with credit-card-stealing malware in an attack discovered three weeks ago, the latest in a series of breaches at hospitality firms. Company spokeswoman Stephanie Sheppard said in an email late on Wednesday that the attack was discovered on Nov. 30. She did not […]

Riddle of cash-for-malware offer in new Raspberry Pi computers

The Raspberry Pi Foundation was offered cash to smuggle malware onto its bargain-basement credit-card-size computers, we’re told. Liz Upton, the Foundation’s director of communications, today revealed an email from a “business officer” called Linda, who promised a “price per install” for a suspicious executable file. “Amazing. This person seems to be very sincerely offering us […]

Learn How to Identify, Protect Yourself from Phishing Scams

Each day we hear about new phishing attacks being carried out by hackers or scammers and despite the continuing awareness from multiple sources and media platforms regarding these attacks, there are still people who continue to fall victim to such attacks. For this very reason, in this article, we will be providing you with all […]

Chinese Hackers Caught Spying on Taiwan Prior To Upcoming Elections

A group of Chinese hackers have targeted a Taiwanese news organizations and the opposition Democratic Progressive Party in order to get the information on upcoming presidential and legislative election like the policies and speeches from the leaders participating in the elections. This report is the second part of the one revealed by FireEye last week […]

New Bug Lets You Crush Anyone’s WhatsApp with 4000 Smileys

Do you know crashing Whatsapp desktop or mobile version doesn’t require advanced hacking skills or machinery, what you need is 4000 smileys? Yes, it’s true, you need 4000 smileys to crash WhatsApp. This bug was exposed by a security researcher (Indrajeet Bhuyan) who during his experiments typed in 4000 smileys and the WhatsApp’s desktop version got […]