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Anonymous Targets Thai Govt, Leaks Data from State-owned Telecom Firm

Anonymous, the world famous hacktivist group, has now declared war on the Thai government due to its implementation of single internet gateway consolidation policy. CAT Telecom Pcl, the premier telecommunication website of Thailand, became the first target of Anonymous’ rage. CAT is a state-owned telecom firm that has been selected by Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut […]

This 11-year-old Girl is Selling Super Secure Passwords for $2 Each

Short Bytes: Mira Modi, an 11-year-old girl, has started a business of selling cryptographically secure passwords for $2 each. She generated Diceware passwords, writes them by hands and sends by postal mail. The unprecedented speed, at which data breaches are taking place and our online passwords are being compromised, is surely alarming. If nothing else, […]

29 Toughest Questions Asked in Facebook Job Interviews

Short Bytes: As the latest employee surveys indicate, Facebook is one of the best places to work for. But, getting a job offer from Mr. Zuckerberg’s company isn’t so easy. Here we are with a compilation of the most interesting Facebook interview questions found on Glassdoor. Take a look at them and tell us your […]

An Alarming Number of Governments are using FinFisher Malware: Report

According to a study carried out by the Citizen Lab (a research department at the University of Toronto), FinFisher is the most used spyware by many government agencies around the world. Finfisher was developed by a German security company (FinFisher GmBH). The company has been selling this spyware to many law enforcement agencies from many […]

Self-driving Cars Must be Programmed to Kill, Study Says

Short Bytes: As we advance more and more in artificial intelligence and related technologies, we must solve some complex ethical problems. A similar dilemma is faced in the case of self-driving cars and how they should act in case of unavoidable accidents. Should they kill more people on the road to save the car occupants? […]

Trillions of Facebook posts added to search results

Facebook has indexed almost two trillion posts put on the site by its members to make it easier to find them. The change means that many older posts will now be added to results when people search for news or information. Trillions of Facebook posts added to search results The move is being seen as part […]

A Russian Cyber Spy Group Might Have Tried to Hack the MH17 Investigation

A cyber attack and spy group believed to have ties with the Russian government reportedly attempted to hack the Dutch agency tasked with investigating the Malaysia Airlines flight MH17 disaster, according to a software security firm. An analysis of the Dutch Safety Board’s computer system revealed suspicious activity likely carried out by Russian spy group […]

Joomla Update Patches Critical SQL Injection Vulnerability

Joomla on Thursday released a new version of its content management system, 3,4,5, that addresses a critical SQL injection vulnerability that could have let attackers gain access to data in the backend of any site running on the platform. The bug existed in versions 3.2 to 4.4.4 of the CMS, and would have to be combined […]

Data of 4 million TalkTalk customers likely stolen in wake of website attack

TalkTalk, one of UK’s biggest telecoms, has suffered a “significant and sustained cyberattack” on their website, and it’s possible that personal and financial information of some 4 million of the company’s customers in the UK has been compromised as a result. Data of 4 million TalkTalk customers likely stolen in wake of website attack The […]

Anonymous Hacks Egyptian Presidency and Other Government Websites

The Egyptian branch of the online hacktivist Anonymous conducted a massive cyber attack on Egyptian government websites in solidarity with protesters killed in August 2013. On Thursday, the Egyptian presidency website went offline, which in reality was a hacking attempt made on the site. The attack was carried out by an Anonymous group, told a Cabinet […]

UK’s largest Telecom Group TalkTalk Hacked, 4 Million Users at Risk

TalkTalk (UK’s largest broadband and mobile phones service provider) has possibly faced one of the biggest breaches in the history of cyber breaches. According to some of the reports, millions could be affected as the company currently has more or less 4 million customers from all over the UK and their personal and financial data […]

Tor Apps are Coming to Apple Devices Soon

Apple is all set to allow TOR anonymity apps on iOS9, which will be the part of its ongoing effort to defend their user’s privacy. A fascinating part of this news that the apps are coming for Apple devices when U.S and UK government are in discussions on future of encryption and anonymity online. All […]

Privacy Advocates Launch Anonymous Calling App

For those who seek privacy while working online,  you now have a solution in “Warble,” an Anonymous calling app for Android, iOS and Windows OS. Warble is an app developed to allow users to communicate via phone calls without getting spied on by Govt agencies, who are always on the look out for data collection. […]

Are You Under the Attack of CCTV Botnet?

Short Bytes: Internet of Things are constantly being targeted by attackers to get the better off of the companies or individuals. CCTV surveillance cameras are generally preferred for the purpose. Make sure you do not come under the attack of CCTV botnet. Botnet is a network of infected computers (fast replaced by IoTs now) that […]

Sony pays up to $8m over employees’ hacked data

Sony has agreed to pay up to $8m over employees’ personal data lost in the 2014 hacking scandal surrounding the release of The Interview. Hackers had broken into the company’s computers and released thousands of items of personal information in an attempt to derail the release of the North Korea-themed comedy. Sony pays up to […]

This Hacker is Destroying Racist and Homophobic Websites One by One

Short Bytes: A hacker that operates a Twitter handle named Amped Attacks, is taking down the websites spreading homophobia and racism one by one. Via the Twitter account, the hacker tweets the next targets and tells the world about its activities. There is a new vigilante hacker in town. This hacker goes by the name […]

Novel NTP Attacks Roll Back Time

Sharon Goldberg remembers the cold February day when her Boston University PhD candidate Aanchal Malhotra was studying routing security, in particular, attacks against the resource public key infrastructure (RPKI)—and kept hitting a dead end because of a cache-flushing issue. The resourceful Malhotra decided to roll back the time on her computer as a last-ditch effort, […]