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Which Antivirus Software Protect Themselves From Hacking Attacks?

Short Bytes: Even though the number of users aware about the basic security practices is increasing day-by-day, most of us are unaware of the fact that the antivirus software can also be hacked. Along the similar lines, AV-TEST has conducted a test and listed the consumer and business versions of the antiviruses based on their […]

FBI Advises Ransomware Victims To Pay The Ransom for Retrieving Data

Short Bytes: FBI has advised ransomware victims to pay the ransom and retrieve their data as there is not much the top law enforcement agency of the USA can do in this matter. It is pretty difficult to decrypt the ransomware so users are at the hacker’s mercy. Getting hacked is so common these days […]

US Freaks Out, Worries Russia Would Cut Undersea Internet cables

Short Bytes: Russia got the US intelligence agencies into a frenzy as its naval submarines and spy ships got too close to the global undersea Internet cables. The US officials panicked as speculations that Russia might be trying to sever the fiber-optic cables came up. The world experienced a déjà vu when reports of the US intelligentsia getting […]

As sites move to SHA2 encryption, millions face HTTPS lock-out

“We’re about to leave a whole chunk of the internet in the past,” as millions of people remain dependent on old, insecure, but widely-used encryption. In 2016, tens of millions of people around the world will face trouble accessing some of the most common encrypted websites like Facebook, Google and Gmail, Twitter, and Microsoft sites. […]

How to completely delete data from Mobile devices

Buying and selling things online are just two of the many activities Internet users are fond of doing. For some, they shop for clothes, bags, shoes, jewelries, and books; for others, they shop for mint condition to used electronics both big and small, such as laptops, tablets, and mobile phones. Among these, the greater risk […]

NSA warns of growing danger of cyber-attack by nation states

The deputy director of the US National Security Agency (NSA), Richard Ledgett, has warned of the increasing danger of destructive cyber attacks by states. He told the BBC: “If you are connected to the internet, you are vulnerable to determined nation-state attackers.” He said nations would need to identify red lines that should not be […]

New Campaign Shows Dridex Active, Targeting French

Two weeks after authorities announced they had taken down the botnet behind the banking malware Dridex, new research suggests the threat is alive and well. Researchers with security company Invincea announced today that they’ve noticed 60 instances of attackers dropping Dridex on users in France, during the past four days. As part of a newly reinvigorated campaign, attackers […]

15-year-old Boy Arrested Over the TalkTalk Hacking Attack

Short Bytes: A 15-year-old has been arrested in Northern Ireland in connection with the cyber-attack on the TalkTalk’s website. This news of 15-year-old hacker’s arrest has stunned the security experts as it was assumed that a group of ISIS terrorists or Russia was behind this massive data breach. The UK phone and broadband provider TalkTalk has […]

Secure Your Password With Enigmaze Password Generating Book

Short Bytes: Enigmaze Secure Password Generating Grid System Manager has come up with the most efficient and innovative ways of generating new and strong passwords, and protecting the existing ones. It is aided with features like hardcover password journal with 176 pages, removable label, 78 different grids, an invisible ink marker, and a UV light key […]

Microsoft: Windows 10 Collects Data to Improve ‘Your’ Experience

Short Bytes: In another attempt to clear the confusion clouds, Microsoft said that users shouldn’t worry about the Windows 10 data collection practices. In a recent interview, talking about the data collection, Microsoft’s VP Joe Belfiore said that the company feels that there are some compulsory data collection practices that are related to the system health […]

This Open-source Program Recognize Your Faces in Real Time

Short Bytes: OpenFace, the open source face recognition technology developed by the researchers at the Carnegie Mellon University, has been rolled out. The OpenFace holds ground against the much-advanced proprietary face-recognition technologies by private endeavours. Open-source technology is usually at par with the proprietary technology but in certain cases such as the face-recognition, the open-source lags far […]

The Most Secure Linux Based OS Ever to Date

Qubes OS is different than other operating systems starting right from the kernel. Operating systems such as Windows, Linux, BSD, and OSX are based upon a monolithic kernel, this possess a huge security problem as the monolithic kernel contains over ten million lines of code to operate, and to make the issues worse, most of […]

Case Against NSA Dismissed Because Nobody Can Prove That It is Spying

Short Bytes: The US District Court has dismissed a lawsuit by Wikimedia against the NSA surveillance. The District Court ruled that the lawsuit merely rested on “the subjective fear of surveillance” and it was “unpersuasive,” “incomplete,” and “riddled with assumptions.” It’s a widely accepted fact that USA government is busy spending billions on its NSA surveillance programs – thanks to […]

Google Hacker James Forshaw Tells Why Windows 10 Is Good As Well As Bad

Short Bytes: Accomplished Google hacker James Forshaw thinks that Microsoft has delivered a “good” operating system, but it has failed to ensure the overall user security. He praised it for some improvements and called it the “Two step forward, One step back” moment for Microsoft. When we talk about the features and functionalities added in […]

TalkTalk Hackers Demanded £80K in Bitcoin

TalkTalk, a British phone and broadband provider with more than four million customers, disclosed Friday that intruders had hacked its Web site and may have stolen personal and financial data. Sources close to the investigation say the company has received a ransom demand of approximately £80,000 (~USD $122,000), with the attackers threatening to publish the […]

Hackers Found Conducting DDoS Attacks Through Hacked CCTV Cameras

Researchers have found out that hackers took over around 900 CCTV cameras with weak login credentials and used them as a DDosS botnet that runs all around the world. According to the researchers from Incapsula, it was really easy for hackers to hack into these CCTV cameras by conducting a simple brute force attack. Researchers further […]

Apple Users Beware: Your Payment Info Can Be Swiped By This New Phishing Scam

Cyber criminals are targeting Apple users with yet another sophisticated phishing scam where users are asked to click a link for payment refund. This new phishing campaign has been disguised immaculately as an Apple Store refund information email. You will find an email in your mailbox informing you about a particular transaction that has been made in […]

Here’s How Your Fitbit Could be Hacked in Just 10 Seconds

Short Bytes: With the ever advancing fast-paced technology, we are now more open to the more intimate devices like wearables. They are connected to our body and continuously record our movements, giving us the regular feedback. This demands more focus on the security of wearables and this article telling about a proof-of-concept 10 second Fitbit […]