Exploitation Tools

Generate Shellcodes & Backdoors using ShellSploit Framework and Kali Linux 2017.2

Hey Guys, In this video i show you how to generate shellcodes and Backdoors using ShellSploit Framework and Kali Linux 2017.2.


Shellsploit let’s you generate customized shellcodes, backdoors, injectors for various operating system. And let’s you obfuscation every byte via encoders.

root$ sudo pip install capstone
root$ sudo pip install readline(Not necessary for windows coz preinstalled in shellsploit)
root$ sudo pip install pefile
root$ sudo pip install colorama
root$ sudo pip install pylzma

Pip works on both windows/nix machines without problem. Now you are ready to install:
root$ python setup.py –s/ –setup install
root$ chmod +x shellsploit (if you are using windows just pass this step)
root$ ./shellsploit


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