New QBot Banking Trojan Campaign Hijacks Business Emails to Spread Malware

A new QBot malware campaign is leveraging hijacked business correspondence to trick unsuspecting victims into installing the malware, new findings from Kaspersky reveal. The latest activity, which commenced on April 4, 2023, has primarily targeted users in Germany, Argentina, Italy, Algeria, Spain, the U.S., Russia, France, the U.K., and Morocco. QBot (aka Qakbot or Pinkslipbot) […]

IcedID Malware Shifts Focus from Banking Fraud to Ransomware Delivery

Multiple threat actors have been observed using two new variants of the IcedID malware in the wild with more limited functionality that removes functionality related to online banking fraud. IcedID, also known as BokBot, started off as a banking trojan in 2017. It’s also capable of delivering additional malware, including ransomware. “The well-known IcedID version […]

Nexus: A New Rising Android Banking Trojan Targeting 450 Financial Apps

An emerging Android banking trojan dubbed Nexus has already been adopted by several threat actors to target 450 financial applications and conduct fraud. “Nexus appears to be in its early stages of development,” Italian cybersecurity firm Cleafy said in a report published this week. “Nexus provides all the main features to perform ATO attacks (Account […]

Mispadu Banking Trojan Is Stealing Millions From Victims In Chile, Mexico, Peru And Portugal

Throughout the course of the investigation by researchers, a total of twenty distinct spam campaigns were found to have been directed against the countries of Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Portugal. Theft of credentials was the primary goal of these efforts, which especially targeted online banking, schools, government agencies, social networking, gaming, ecommerce, public repositories, and […]

Mispadu Banking Trojan Targets Latin America: 90,000+ Credentials Stolen

A banking trojan dubbed Mispadu has been linked to multiple spam campaigns targeting countries like Bolivia, Chile, Mexico, Peru, and Portugal with the goal of stealing credentials and delivering other payloads. The activity, which commenced in August 2022, is currently ongoing, Ocelot Team from Latin American cybersecurity firm Metabase Q said in a report shared […]

Xenomorph Android Banking Trojan Returns with a New and More Powerful Variant

A new variant of the Android banking trojan named Xenomorph has surfaced in the wild, latest findings from ThreatFabric reveal. Named “Xenomorph 3rd generation” by the Hadoken Security Group, the threat actor behind the operation, the updated version comes with new features that allow it to perform financial fraud in a seamless manner. “This new […]

Hackers Use New BrasDex Android Malware to Steal Users’ Banking Details

A new Android trojan called BrasDex has been identified as the work of the same threat actors responsible for the Casbaneiro malware that targets Windows banking systems.  The security analysts at ThreatFabric recently spotted an ongoing multi-platform campaign in which Brazilian users have been observed to be targeted as part of this malware (BrasDex) attack. […]

GodFather Android Banking Trojan Targeting Users of Over 400 Banking and Crypto Apps

An Android banking trojan known as GodFather is being used to target users of more than 400 banking and cryptocurrency apps spanning across 16 countries. This includes 215 banks, 94 crypto wallet providers, and 110 crypto exchange platforms serving users in the U.S., Turkey, Spain, Italy, Canada, and Canada, among others, Singapore-headquartered Group-IB said in […]

Malicious Google Play Store App Spotted Distributing Xenomorph Banking Trojan

Google has removed two new malicious dropper apps that have been detected on the Play Store for Android, one of which posed as a lifestyle app and was caught distributing the Xenomorph banking malware. “Xenomorph is a trojan that steals credentials from banking applications on users’ devices,” Zscaler ThreatLabz researchers Himanshu Sharma and Viral Gandhi […]

These Dropper Apps On Play Store Targeting Over 200 Banking and Cryptocurrency Wallets

Five malicious dropper Android apps with over 130,000 cumulative installations have been discovered on the Google Play Store distributing banking trojans like SharkBot and Vultur, which are capable of stealing financial data and performing on-device fraud. “These droppers continue the unstopping evolution of malicious apps sneaking to the official store,” Dutch mobile security firm ThreatFabric […]

Hackers Using Vishing to Trick Victims into Installing Android Banking Malware

Malicious actors are resorting to voice phishing (vishing) tactics to dupe victims into installing Android malware on their devices, new research from ThreatFabric reveals. The Dutch mobile security company said it identified a network of phishing websites targeting Italian online-banking users that are designed to get hold of their contact details. Telephone-oriented attack delivery (TOAD), […]

Fake Indian Banking Rewards Apps Targeting Android Users with Info-stealing Malware

An SMS-based phishing campaign is targeting customers of Indian banks with information-stealing malware that masquerades as a rewards application. The Microsoft 365 Defender Research Team said that the messages contain links that redirect users to a sketchy website that triggers the download of the fake banking rewards app for ICICI Bank. “The malware’s RAT capabilities […]

Fake Antivirus and Cleaner Apps Caught Installing SharkBot Android Banking Trojan

The notorious Android banking trojan known as SharkBot has once again made an appearance on the Google Play Store by masquerading as antivirus and cleaner apps. “This new dropper doesn’t rely on Accessibility permissions to automatically perform the installation of the dropper Sharkbot malware,” NCC Group’s Fox-IT said in a report. “Instead, this new version […]

New Grandoreiro Banking Malware Campaign Targeting Spanish Manufacturers

Organizations in the Spanish-speaking nations of Mexico and Spain are in the crosshairs of a new campaign designed to deliver the Grandoreiro banking trojan. “In this campaign, the threat actors impersonate government officials from the Attorney General’s Office of Mexico City and from the Public Ministry in the form of spear-phishing emails in order to […]

SOVA Android Banking Trojan Returns With New Capabilities and Targets

The SOVA Android banking trojan is continuing to be actively developed with upgraded capabilities to target no less than 200 mobile applications, including banking apps and crypto exchanges and wallets, up from 90 apps when it started out. That’s according to the latest findings from Italian cybersecurity firm Cleafy, which found newer versions of the […]

Over a Dozen Android Apps on Google Play Store Caught Dropping Banking Malware

A malicious campaign leveraged seemingly innocuous Android dropper apps on the Google Play Store to compromise users’ devices with banking malware. These 17 dropper apps, collectively dubbed DawDropper by Trend Micro, masqueraded as productivity and utility apps such as document scanners, QR code readers, VPN services, and call recorders, among others. All these apps in […]

BRATA – Banking Trojan With Advanced Information-stealing Capabilities

Technology is evolving at a rapid pace and along with it, the threat actor behind the BRATA banking trojan has also improved the malware to release more features that are capable of stealing information. Cleafy, a digital security company specializing in mobile security, has been tracking BRATA campaigns for the past few months. While the […]

MaliBot: A New Android Banking Trojan Spotted in the Wild

A new strain of Android malware has been spotted in the wild targeting online banking and cryptocurrency wallet customers in Spain and Italy, just weeks after a coordinated law enforcement operation dismantled FluBot. The information stealing trojan, codenamed MaliBot by F5 Labs, is as feature-rich as its counterparts, allowing it to steal credentials and cookies, […]

New Octo Banking Trojan Spreading via Fake Apps on Google Play Store

A number of rogue Android apps that have been cumulatively installed from the official Google Play Store more than 50,000 times are being used to target banks and other financial entities. The rental banking trojan, dubbed Octo, is said to be a rebrand of another Android malware called ExobotCompact, which, in turn, is a “lite” […]

Hackers Use Fake e-shop Apps to Steal Users’ Banking Credentials

A campaign that began late last year targeting eight different Malaysian banks is still targeting its customers with three malicious Android applications. Under the guise of seemingly harmless shopping apps, the threat actors in this campaign have misled users into installing malicious applications. As a way to get people to download the applications, some of […]