SharkBot Banking Trojan Resurfaces On Google Play Store Hidden Behind 7 New Apps

As many as seven malicious Android apps discovered on the Google Play Store masqueraded as antivirus solutions to deploy a banking trojan called SharkBot. “SharkBot steals credentials and banking information,” Check Point researchers Alex Shamshur and Raman Ladutska said in a report shared with The Hacker News. “This malware implements a geofencing feature and evasion […]

Hackers Distributing Fake Shopping Apps to Steal Banking Data of Malaysian Users

Threat actors have been distributing malicious applications under the guise of seemingly harmless shopping apps to target customers of eight Malaysian banks since at least November 2021. The attacks involved setting up fraudulent but legitimate-looking websites to trick users into downloading the apps, Slovak cybersecurity firm ESET said in a report shared with The Hacker […]

New Android Banking Trojan Spreading via Google Play Store Targets Europeans

A new Android banking trojan with over 50,000 installations has been observed distributed via the official Google Play Store with the goal of targeting 56 European banks and carrying out harvesting sensitive information from compromised devices. Dubbed Xenomorph by Dutch security firm ThreatFabric, the in-development malware is said to share overlaps with another banking trojan […]

Squirrelwaffle malware takes control of vulnerable Microsoft Exchange servers to spread banking scam

Researchers at security firm Sophos recently reported a hacking campaign related to the ProxyLogon and ProxyShell exploits for the exploitation of an unpatched Microsoft Exchange server. This compromised server was used for the mass distribution of Squirrelwaffle, a malware loader delivered via email threads as a method of deceiving employees in the affected organizations in […]

Medusa Android Banking Trojan Spreading Through Flubot’s Attacks Network

Two different Android banking Trojans, FluBot and Medusa, are relying on the same delivery vehicle as part of a simultaneous attack campaign, according to new research published by ThreatFabric. The ongoing side-by-side infections, facilitated through the same smishing (SMS phishing) infrastructure, involved the overlapping usage of “app names, package names, and similar icons,” the Dutch […]

Mobile Banking Trojan BRATA Gains New, Dangerous Capabilities

The Android malware tracked as BRATA has been updated with new features that grants it the ability to record keystrokes, track device locations, and even perform a factory reset in an apparent bid to cover up fraudulent wire transfers. The latest variants, detected late last year, are said to be distributed through a downloader to […]

Researchers Decrypted Qakbot Banking Trojan’s Encrypted Registry Keys

Cybersecurity researchers have decoded the mechanism by which the versatile Qakbot banking trojan handles the insertion of encrypted configuration data into the Windows Registry. Qakbot, also known as QBot, QuackBot and Pinkslipbot, has been observed in the wild since 2007. Although mainly fashioned as an information-stealing malware, Qakbot has since shifted its goals and acquired […]

New Zloader Banking Malware Campaign Exploiting Microsoft Signature Verification

An ongoing ZLoader malware campaign has been uncovered exploiting remote monitoring tools and a nine-year-old flaw concerning Microsoft’s digital signature verification to siphon user credentials and sensitive information. Israeli cybersecurity company Check Point Research, which has been tracking the sophisticated infection chain since November 2021, attributed it to a cybercriminal group dubbed MalSmoke, citing similarities […]

Android Banking Malware Uses Fake Google Play Page to Spread to Devices

In Brazil a large financial services provider, Itaú Unibanco has been targeted by an Android banking trojan, as the cyber security analysts at Cyble claimed. And this financial service provider has more than 55 million customers globally. The Itaú Unibanco has been exploited by the threat actors to deploy an extraordinary trick to distribute to […]

Anubis malware resurfaces targeting crypto wallets and banking apps

So far, 394 malicious apps have been identified that are spreading Anubis malware to steal financial and personal data from unsuspecting Android users. Security researchers at Lookout security firm have identified a notorious new mobile malware campaign disguised as an official Orange Telecom account management app from Orange S.A, a leading telecommunication service provider in France. Reportedly, […]

Microsoft Details Building Blocks of Widely Active Qakbot Banking Trojan

Infection chains associated with the multi-purpose Qakbot malware have been broken down into “distinct building blocks,” an effort that Microsoft said will help to proactively detect and block the threat in an effective manner. The Microsoft 365 Defender Threat Intelligence Team dubbed Qakbot a “customizable chameleon that adapts to suit the needs of the multiple […]

4 Android Banking Trojan Campaigns Targeted Over 300,000 Devices in 2021

Four different Android banking trojans were spread via the official Google Play Store between August and November 2021, resulting in more than 300,000 infections through various dropper apps that posed as seemingly harmless utility apps to take full control of the infected devices. Designed to deliver Anatsa (aka TeaBot), Alien, ERMAC, and Hydra, cybersecurity firm […]

SharkBot — A New Android Trojan Stealing Banking and Cryptocurrency Accounts

Cybersecurity researchers on Monday took the wraps off a new Android trojan that takes advantage of accessibility features on mobile devices to siphon credentials from banking and cryptocurrency services in Italy, the U.K., and the U.S. Dubbed “SharkBot” by Cleafy, the malware is designed to strike a total of 27 targets — counting 22 unnamed […]

Mekotio Banking Trojan Resurfaces with New Attacking and Stealth Techniques

The operators behind the Mekotio banking trojan have resurfaced with a shift in its infection flow so as to stay under the radar and evade security software, while staging nearly 100 attacks over the last three months. “One of the main characteristics […] is the modular attack which gives the attackers the ability to change […]

TA544 threat actors hit Italian firms with Ursnif banking trojan

The IT security researchers at Proofpoint have discovered a new malware campaign in which threat actors from a group called TA544 are targeting organizations in Italy with Ursnif banking trojan. Ursnif (also known as Gozi) has a history of targeting Italian organizations over the past year. The malware is capable of stealing banking information from […]

New Android Malware Steals Financial Data from 378 Banking and Wallet Apps

The operators behind the BlackRock mobile malware have surfaced back with a new Android banking trojan called ERMAC that targets Poland and has its roots in the infamous Cerberus malware, according to the latest research. “The new trojan already has active distribution campaigns and is targeting 378 banking and wallet apps with overlays,” ThreatFabric’s CEO […]

Numando: A New Banking Trojan Targeting Latin American Users

A newly spotted banking trojan has been caught leveraging legitimate platforms like YouTube and Pastebin to store its encrypted, remote configuration and commandeer infected Windows systems, making it the latest to join the long list of malware targeting Latin America (LATAM) after Guildma, Javali, Melcoz, Grandoreiro, Mekotio, Casbaneiro, Amavaldo, Vadokrist, and Janeleiro. The threat actor […]

Experts concerned over emergence of new Android banking trojan S.O.V.A.

S.O.V.A. Android banking trojan is actively being advertised on Russian hacker and cybercrime forums. In early August 2021, ThreatFabric’s team of researchers discovered a new Android banking trojan named S.O.V.A. by its creators. Researchers wrote in their report that the trojan is named so because of the login panel of its C&C server. S.O.V.A. is […]

SOVA: New Android Banking Trojan Emerges With Growing Capabilities

A mix of banking applications, cryptocurrency wallets, and shopping apps from the U.S. and Spain are the target of a newly discovered Android trojan that could enable attackers to siphon personally identifiable information from infected devices, including banking credentials and open the door for on-device fraud. Dubbed S.O.V.A. (referring to the Russian word for owl), […]