#ProjectSunRise: Team GhostShell Leaks 700,000 Accounts of South African Institutions

Remember GhostShell from #ProjectWhiteFox? The hackers are back and this time have claimed to leak and compromise over 700,000 account details, records and databases of top most financial giants from South African and  to some extent other countries from the continent, such as Algeria, Nigeria, Kenya and Angola. The hackers have released a hug amount of data and a press release […]

Indian Hacker leaks Bangladeshi Classified Intelligence Emails

An Indian hacker who goes by the handle of Godzilla aka G.O.D has claimed to leak  top secret intelligence emails from the server of Directorate General of Forces Intelligence Bangladesh (DGFI – www.dgfi.gov.bd).  In a pastie note left on Pastebin, Godzilla aka G.O.D complete details of the leak and bashed the government of Bangladesh for its poor security. To prove […]

More Leaks Coming Up in 2013,says WikiLeaks Founder

Founder of WikiLeaks , Julian Assange is all set to leak one million documents belonging to different countries . This was declared by Assange on the Christmas day while standing outside the Ecuador embassy. Assange these days has been house arrested in the Ecuador embassy following his confidential document leaks that belonged to different government to […]

Anonymous Claims to hack Australian Defence Force Academy, Leaks 22k Student Accounts

Yes it happened last month but the news in mainstream media is out now, as the Anonymous hacker who goes by the handle of Darwinaire claimed to hack the official website of Australian Defence Force Academy [unsw.edu.au/], then stealing and leaking 22,000 student records online.  The CanberraTimes reports that the hacker who breached into the website of Australian Defence Force Academy […]

#ProjectWhiteFox: Team Ghostshell leaks 1.6 Million User Accounts

We all remember Team GhostShell, the Hacktivists group who hacked some major and high profile universities from all over the world, leaking more then 100,000 records in October. This time the group is back in news with another high profile hack in which military, financial and technology giants have been attacked and over about 1.6 million […]

WikiLeaks to release two million ‘humiliating’ hacked Syrian government emails

The WikiLeaks official  website has announced on Thursday that it had begun publishing more than 2 million hacked emails from Syrian government officials that would humiliate not only the President Bashar al-Assad but also many hidden faces. This leak will ruin the remaining credibility of the ruling regime in Syria, which is busy in massacring the rebellion for last 16-months. According to Wikileaks website: […]

WikiLeaks : Osama was not buried at sea

As we posted earlier regarding ” Millions of Hacked Stratfor E-mails published by WikiLeaks ” it seems that was just a beginning, as according to leaked secret email files of Stratfor, a US security agency, Osama Bin Ladon was not buried at sea and there was no Islamic ceremony but his body was shifted to the military mortuary in Dover, DE, […]

New #gifiles regarding #Occupy & #Anonymous released by WikiLeaks

On Monday February 27th, 2012, WikiLeaks began publishing The Global Intelligence Files, over five million e-mails from the Texas headquartered “global intelligence” company Stratfor. The e-mails date between July 2004 and late December 2011. They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, […]

TeaMp0isoN Leaks Tons of Data in Support of OpNigeria

TeaMp0isoN which leaked over 26,000 Israeli credit cards last month for Free Palestine, has now leaked massive data in support of OpNigeria against the Nigerian government. According to  TeaMp0isoN  “Tonight we’ve got some databases from some influential sites in Nigeria. Contained within are admin passwords as well as tons of other information from these databases.”  “Revolution is the only […]

Saudi Hacker Hacks & Leaks More Israeli Credit Cards and Passwords

Few days ago A Saudi-based hacking group hacked into Israeli sports website and leaked credit card details of 400 thousand Israelis. The same group has done it again, the chief executive of Israel’s largest card company said that ”Saudi Hacking  Group-XPA hackers has published details of thousands of active Israeli credit cards for the second time […]