Armenian Group Hacks Azerbaijan Central Bank, Leaks A Trove of Data

The cyber war between Armenians and Azerbaijani hackers is never ending — Like in this recent cyber attack in which the Armenian hackers leaked trove of data containing banking details of Azerbaijani citizens. In July 2, 2015, Armenian hackers from Monte Melkonian Cyber Army hacked into the official website of Azerbaijani customs, stealing highly confidential personal information of 5650 […]

Anonymous stands true to its words, leaks more data on alleged KKK members

The online hacktivist Anonymous released what they called a list of Ku Klux Klan members and sympathizers on Thursday. As reported earlier, the Anonymous hacktivists are leaking personal information of the members belonging to the white supremacist Christian organization the Ku Klux Klan (KKK).  Now, in the second phase of their OpKKK the hacktivists have leaked a trove of […]

Hacker Leaks 13 million emails and passwords in 000Webhost Breach

A security researcher (Troy Hunt), who owns the website (haveibeenpwned) have discovered a possible breach of webhosting service 000Webhost servers. Basically, hunt’s site provides information on whether a user’s data has ever been breached online. So, an unknown user recently contacted the researcher and told him about a data breach taking place in an attack […]

How Innocent Copy-Paste Leaks Your Previous Embarrassing Google Searches

Short Bytes: Our innocent habit of copy-paste is reflected when we send the URLs of search pages as some reference to our friends. But, it comes with the risks of exposing your previous searches, if done carelessly. Read the post to know the risk involved and how to avoid it.  Using the Google search to […]

Anonymous Targets Thai Govt, Leaks Data from State-owned Telecom Firm

Anonymous, the world famous hacktivist group, has now declared war on the Thai government due to its implementation of single internet gateway consolidation policy. CAT Telecom Pcl, the premier telecommunication website of Thailand, became the first target of Anonymous’ rage. CAT is a state-owned telecom firm that has been selected by Thailand’s Prime Minister Prayut […]

Wikileaks Releases Documents From CIA Boss John Brennan’s Email Account

The CIA boss John Brennan had his AOL-based email account hacked earlier this week by pro-Palestinian hackers — Now WikiLeaks has leaked some of the email content to public under the name of The CIA Files. Wikileaks has announced that they have the access to the contents of the recently hacked email account of John Brennan […]

WikiLeaks Is Publishing the CIA Director’s Hacked Emails

WIKILEAKS MAY DESCRIBE itself as an outlet for whistleblowers, but it’s never hesitated to publish stolen documents offered up by a helpful hacker, either. So it’s no surprise that it’s now leaked the pilfered files of the CIA’s director, John Brennan. CIA Director John Brennan On Wednesday, the secret-spilling group published a series of selected […]

Your Password Manager 1Password Leaks Your Account’s Important Metadata

Short Bytes: 1Password, a password manager feature has been found to leak traces of the user account’s metadata which could be exploited by the attackers. However, only the older accounts using Agile Keychain format are vulnerable.  Storing all your passwords and sensitive information in a single vault appears to be a good option, but what […]

D-Link Accidentally Leaks Private Code-Signing Keys

A simple mistake by networking gear manufacturer D-Link could have opened the door for costly damage. Private keys used to sign software published by D-Link were found in the company’s open source firmware packages. While it’s unknown whether the keys were used by malicious third parties, the possibility exists that they could have been used […]

WikiLeaks Data Dump Contains Malware Docs, Accessing Can Infect Your System

Some recent data dump released by WikiLeaks on their website contains documents infected with malicious software that can easily infect anyone accessing them, according to the discovery made by an autonomous data researcher Josh Wieder. Wieder, apart from a researcher, is a system administrator who goes out of his way to inspect files and documents […]

WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange’s Protection Request Denied by France

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has revealed many controversial documents in the past couple of weeks related to Germany and France. Recently he has asked for asylum in France in an open letter published in Le Monde and as expected, his request was denied. Assange has recently leaked documents that claimed that NSA has been actively […]

WikiLeaks Exposes NSA’s Addiction of Eavesdropping on Its Friends

A new assortment of documents have been released by WikiLeaks revealing National Security Agency has been spying on its German associates who are solely responsible for economics, commerce, finance and agriculture sector of the country. The documents, named as “The Euro Intercepts”, comprises of a list of phone numbers of German public officials and ministers who […]

OpBillC51: Anonymous Hacks Police Association of Ontario, Leaks Trove of Data

When Anonymous goes against you, there’s no way out! Same is going on with Canadian government who’s constantly under cyber attack against the approval of anti-terror law C-51 that weakens Internet privacy. On June 24, 2015, Anonymous breached into the server of Police Association of Ontario, Canada ( and leaked personal details of its 1,300 employees and registered […]

WikiLeaks Releases 275k+ Hacked Sony Documents

WikiLeaks, a whistle-blowing site has published 276,394 new docs taken from Sony in Nov by an anonymous attacker. It adds to the 173,132 emails and 30K docs published in April 2015. The new docs were made accessible on Tuesday by the WikiLeaks. No open proclamation from the site accompanied the released, yet it asserted on […]

DuckDuckGo Search Traffic Grows by 600% After NSA Leaks

Since the last two years, the privacy focused search engine DuckDuckGo has witnessed a phenomenal 600% growth. The search engine was launched back in 2008 by Garbiel Weinberg and nobody expected to make any impression on the search market dominated by Google. Now after the seven years of its launch, this Philadelphia-based startup DuckDuckGo has […]

Anonymous Leaks Emails, Passwords of Baltimore Police Department

The online hacktivist Anonymous claims to leak emails and passwords of Baltimore Police Department (BPD) against the death of Freddie Gray, a 25-year-old African-American Baltimore resident who died on April 19, 2015, a week after being arrested by the BPD.  On 2nd May 2015, one of the Twitter handle associated with Anonymous hacktivists leaked emails and IP addresses of workers at […]

WikiLeaks’ Anonymous Leak Submission Website Relaunched after 6 years

Expect exposure of confidential news pieces and government/corporate classified documents every now and then because WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group has re-launched its anonymous leak submission  WikiLeaks, the famous whistle-blowing website, has opened its systems again for the public. The site has remained in headlines for long previously for anonymously submitting sensitive information. Around four and […]

Anonymous Hacks Israeli Arms Importer Site, Leaks Massive Client Login Data

Online hacktivist Anonymous has breached into the website of an Israeli arm importer and manufacture Fab-Defanse ( and leaked login credentials plus personal details of its local and international clients/customers, including some government officers. The latest cyber attack was conducted under the banner of OpIsrael. After analyzing we found out that data is legit and never been […]