WikiLeaks Publishes Searchable Database of 170,000 Hacked Sony Emails

The famous international, non-profit, journalistic organisation WikiLeaks published thousands of hacked Sony Emails. You can now access, read and search all the hacked documents — Sony is not happy about it. On Thursday, WikiLeaks published 170,000 emails and 30,000 documents belonging to Sony Pictures, acquired from world-renowned hack where North Korea was blamed for breaching Sony […]

OpIsrael: Anonymous Hacks Israeli Arms Importer Website, Leaks Thousands of Login Data

Online hacktivist Anonymous has breached into an Israeli gun shop website ( and leaked login credentials plus personal details of its local and international customers, including some government officers. The leaked data files have been divided and posted in three different parts on Pastie sites for OpIsrael. After analyzing the data, we found out that data […]

OpIsrael: AnonGhost Leaks Hundreds of Israeli Facebook Account Credentials

The pro-Palestinian online hacktivist AnonGhost is claiming to leak hundreds of Facebook emails and passwords belonging to Israeli Facebook users for upcoming OpIsrael starting from 7th April 2015. Hackers have pasted the leaked data on Pastebin along with a message for government and people of Israel. The data contains emails and clear text passwords of […]

Why WikiLeaks Redesigned its Homepage Exactly like Google’s?

Whistle-blower website WikiLeaks has rolled its new homepage and it possesses a striking similarity with your favorite search engine Google. Yesterday, I visited the WikiLeaks website and amid this confusion, I checked the URL once again in my web browser to confirm it. ? So, why WikiLeaks did all this redesigning? Answer to this question is […]

Leaks Israeli man arrested for hacking Madonna� PC, selling songs online

An Israeli man, suspected to have hacked into the computers of pop stars including Madonna and selling their unreleased songs online, has been arrested. It was suspected by the Israeli police that the man has stolen works of several unnamed international stars. It was confirmed by a private investigator related to the case that Madonna […]

UPDATE: 13k PSN, Xbox leak by Anonymous is copy paste from previous leaks?

Yesterday, aTwitter account associated with the online hacktivists Anonymous claimed to leak a list of what it said were usernames and passwords of 13,000 accounts from VPNCyberGhost, UbiSoft, VCC, Brazzers, UFC TV, PSN, Xbox Live Gamers, Twitch TV, Amazon, Hulu Plus, Dell, Walmart and (EA) Games. We promised an in-depth analysis of the leaked data and […]

Edward Snowden’s Leaks Helped Terrorists: Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton, former Secretary of State, a Senator and the First Lady,  is not yet convinced that Snowden leaked the classified documents because he was concerned about the basic privacy rights of Americans. Defending the country’s mass surveillance programs and their extent of surveying while speaking at the University of Connecticut, she blasted Edward Snowden, […]

German Town bans parents from calling their child ‘Wikileaks’

A couple in Southern German Town has been banned from naming their child ‘’WikiLeaks’’, claiming that it may put baby’s life in danger. According to German website Passauer Neue Presse, the father of newly born baby Hajar Hamalaw wanted to name his son ‘’WikiLeaks’’ because he believes that the online whistleblowing platform has “changed the […]

Indian politician faking WikiLeaks’ Julian Assange words to gain popularity

Indian politicians have taken social media to its greatest height during the coming 16th Lok Sabha elections. A politician’s strength and mass following is reflected on his/her social media management. Not allowing letting go any chance of belittling their opponents appears to be the main agenda running on the social websites, which rather should be used […]

Snowden Leaks: NSA Posed as Facebook to infect computers with malware

According to one of the recent report, NSA is believed to be spying many Facebook users since 2010. NSA used a number of automated techniques to install malwares into users systems. Snowden Leaks: NSA Posed as Facebook to infect computers with malware NSA codenamed these techniques as “TRIBUNE”, executed via a network of malware implant which […]

RedHack Leaks Contact Details of US Embassy staff in Turkey

Turkish based RedHack hacktivist claims to leak personal information and contact details of US embassy’ staff in Turkey. The dumped data shows names, emails and phone numbers belonging to US consulate in Turkey. The first in the list is Francis J. Ricciardone, Jr., the United States ambassador to Turkey, whose phone number, name and email has […]

Snowden Leaks: NSA and British Agency is Spying on You via Angry Birds Game App

According to the latest revelations based on the documents leaked by Edward Snowden, the former NSA contractor and the whistleblower, smartphone applications such as GoogleMaps, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr and games like Angry Birds are the biggest sources of information for NSA. Intelligence agencies use these apps to track locations, access address books, buddy lists, phone […]

RedHack Leaks 4,000 Turkcell numbers against providing Ministers with new numbers

RedHack Leaks 4k Turkcell numbers against facilitating Ministers with new numbers. The famous hacktivist group RedHack has leaked phone numbers of more than 4,000+ Turkcall personals against company’s decision of replacing those old numbers with new which were earlier leaked by the Turkish based hackers. RedHack announced the leak via their official Twitter handle which […]