Newly discovered PWOBot malware is a total keylogger

Security Researchers Discover a Potentially Dangerous Cross-Platform PWOBot Malware Family- PWOBot Now this can be termed as devastating news for computer users around the world. Palo Alto Networks has discovered a family of malware that is capable of attacking a variety of platforms including Windows, Linux, and OS X. The malware is written in Python, […]

PoS Malware Steals Credit Card Numbers via DNS Requests

Malware uses clever trick to avoid detection. A new version of the NewPosThings PoS malware is using a clever technique to extract data from infected PoS terminals that almost no security solution monitors for malware activity. The NewPoSThings malware appeared many years ago, and for a long time it didn’t stand out in the crowd of […]

GozNym Malware Hits Banking Systems in Canada and The US

The U.S and Canadian banks are threatened by a double jeopardy, double the trouble as the twice powerful malware mega menace called goznym is here! This brand new trouble for the United States and Canadian banking system is a fusion malware with enormously violent skills. Banking Giants Nymaim and Gozi ISFB have joined forces to […]

Microsoft PowerShell — Hackers’ New Favorite Tool For Coding Malware

Short Bytes: You might not know but PowerShell, the ubiquitous force running behind the Windows environment, is slowly becoming a secure way for the attackers to hide their malicious activities. Unfortunately, at the moment, there’s no technical method of distinguishing between malicious and good PowerShell source code. In a new report, it has been discovered […]

Malware Created with Microsoft PowerShell Is on the Rise

PowerShell scripts seen in around 38% of malware incidents. Microsoft’s PowerShell task automation framework is becoming one of the most popular tools for coding and enhancing malware, a Carbon Black study has discovered. Aggregating data from over 1,100 separate investigations from 20 security firms, Carbon Black says that PowerShell was used in 38 percent of all […]

Latest Facebook Video Malware Scam Targets Chrome Users

Whether it has reached you as “My First Video,” “My Video,” or “Private Video,” all these refer to a malicious Facebook scam Previous week HackRead informed users around the world about the ‘Account Violation’ Policy phishing scam that was circulating on Facebook, which compelled users to send in details of their login credentials to the […]

Malware found in surveillance cameras sold through Amazon

Security researcher finds malicious code embedded within cameras offered for sale on Amazon. Last week, independent security researcher Mike Olsen discovered that CCTV surveillance rigs sold on Amazon came with pre-installed malware. He said in a blog post that he made the discovery while visiting a friend and helping him install and fine tune his new outdoor […]

Click-Fraud Ramdo Malware Family Continues to Plague Users

Ramdo is a family of malware that performs fraudulent website ‘clicks.’ Ramdo malware activity first surfaced in late 2013 and has since continued to infect machines worldwide, primarily through the use of exploit kits. In this blog post, we’ll take a deep dive into the technical aspects of the Ramdo malware itself, providing insight into […]

Mobile Devices Used to Execute DNS Malware Against Home Routers

Attacks against home routers have been going around for years—from malware that rigs routers to DNS rebinding attacks and backdoors, among others.  Just last year one of our researchers reported a Domain Name System (DNS) changer malware that redirected users to malicious pages when they visited specific websites. This enabled cyber crooks to get hold of the […]

Be careful products sold on Amazon are infected with malware

Beware, even things on Amazon come with embedded malware… this is the disconcerting discovery made by the expert Mark Olsen. The security expert Mike Olsen warned about the presence of malware in products sold through the Amazon service. Olsen was searching for outdoor surveillance cameras on Amazon for a friend’s home. He has found an interesting offer on […]

Qihoo 360: Just the Tip of the Whitelisted Malware Iceberg

The Check Point Mobile Threat Prevention team has long stressed how dangerous it can be to get apps from places other than the Apple App Store and Google Play Even with well-known third-party app stores the problem of security has become more obvious than ever. A great example of this is Qihoo 360, a Chinese […]

DDoS Attacks With BillGates Linux Malware Intensify

XOR botnet authors migrate to using BillGates malware. Over the past six months, security researchers from Akamai’s SIRT team have observed a shift in the cyber-criminal underground to using botnets created via the BillGates malware to launch massive 100+ Gbps DDoS attacks. The BillGates malware is a relatively old malware family aimed at Linux machines running […]

Hacking Team’s Licence Canceled, No More Malware Selling Outside Europe

HACKING TEAM YET AGAIN IN HOT WATER, LOSES LICENSE TO SELL MALWARE OUTSIDE EUROPE Just a year after it was hacked, the Milan-based government spyware creator Hacking Team is in hot soup again. This time, it’s done by “The Italian Ministry of Economic Development (MISE)” and not by some hacktivist, the Hacking team ended up […]


Technology vendor Cisco is pushing out security updates to customers to address a critical vulnerability found in its recently introduced line of FirePower firewall products. The vulnerability, according to Cisco, allows attackers to slip malware onto critical systems without detection. The flaw is also impacts  Snort, an open source network-based intrusion detection system also owned by Cisco. […]

Why malware like the Samsam ransomware are so dangerous for hospitals?

The FBI issued a confidential urgent “Flash” message to the businesses and organizations about the Samsam Ransomware, why it is so dangerous? It is emergency, every week security experts launch an alert on a new ransomware, the extortion practice is becoming a profitable business for criminal gangs worldwide. Recently the US and Canada issued a joint warning about the recent […]

Alert Gamers: RAT Activity Identified in Steam Stealer Malware Scam

Alert: The previously discussed Steam Stealer malware is way bigger than we thought — The malwarE is also embedded with a remote administration tool (RAT) A couple of weeks ago we warned you about Steam Stealer malware. Now, the latest Steam scam has been discovered with the help of a gamer Patrizza Vampizza’s post on […]

Top Firefox extensions can hide silent malware using easy pre-fab tool

The fix? No patch, just destroy all extensions. Black Hat Asia The most popular Firefox extensions with millions of active users are open to attacks that can quietly compromise machines and pass Mozilla’s automated and human security tests. The extension reuse attacks exploit weaknesses in the structure of Firefox extensions such that malicious activity can be […]

Latest Steam Malware Shows Signs of RAT Activity

We have been alerted to a recent Steam scam, thanks to one gamer who is quick to inform her friends in the gaming platform’s Activity feed about her encounter with a suspected bot account. Gamer Patrizza Vampizza has posted the below screenshot as a form of warning for this current  modus operandi: click to enlarge […]

The evolution of Brazilian Malware

Brazilian malware continues to evolve day by day, making it increasingly sophisticated. If you want to know how the various malicious programs work nowadays, you can jump to the corresponding section here. Meanwhile, before that, we would like to show how the techniques used by Brazilian cybercriminals have changed, becoming more advanced and increasingly complex. […]

Scammers Distribute Malware to Drivers in Speeding Ticket Scam

 Scammers Distribute Malware to Drivers in Pennsylvania using Accurate Speeding Data Scammers and their antics are simply unbelievable. This time, scammers have come up with a unique strategy of malware scam as they are now sending fake emails that appear to be sent by the local police department in Tredyffrin, Pennsylvania. The email poses as […]